Sleepytime - a ficlet

Nov 06, 2011 23:19

TItle: Sleepytime
Author:  nancygrew
Rating: G
Notes: Originally written for Fun Fic Fridays prompt Lazy Sunday on Lure_atwt.  Takes place arly November 2010.
Summary: Reid wakes up to discover that he and Luke have a guest

Even though Reid had been in surgery to well into the early hours of the morning, he still awoke earlier than Luke. When he had arrived home last night [this morning?], Reid had stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed with an already-sleeping Luke. Luke had been wearing a pair of soft flannel pajamas bottoms [pale blue with yellow ducks] and was lying spread-eagled and open-mouthed. Reid had used his fingertips to shut Luke’s mouth. Then Reid had laid his head upon Luke’s chest [his broad, deliciously furry chest] and fallen into a deep sleep. Now, hours later, Luke was still spread-eagled and his mouth was once again open. Reid considered waking his lovely boyfriend for some sweaty action but realized that he was kinda tired. Man, he was getting old.

Reid was contemplating aging and mortality when Luke’s younger brother, Ethan, staggered into the room looking bleary eyed. Frankly, the kid looked drunk. Reid would have sniffed the kid’s breath for bourbon except for the fact that it was a well-known family joke that young Ethan was not a morning person.

“Who let you into the cottage?” grunted Reid as Ethan crawled into bed with them and laid his head on Luke’s shoulder.

“I stayed the night. Luke babysitted me while you were operating on brains,” said Ethan.

“I don’t suppose I could convince you to go make me some coffee and some croissants with strawberry jam, could I?” asked Reid.

“I’m five,” huffed an annoyed Ethan. “And sleeeepy. Let’s be quiet now.”

Reid snorted. For the majority of his waking hours, Ethan was the sweetest-natured kid in the world. For the initial hour after he woke up? He was Mini Reid.

Luke sneezed in his sleep. The noise startled him awake. He discovered himself being used as a pillow by both his boyfriend and his younger brother.

“Morning,” greeted Luke cheerfully. He was one of those annoying people who woke up happy. “You guys want breakfast?”

“Yeah,” said Reid. “But your brother is refusing to get it for me.”

Ethan muttered something indecipherable.

“Well, if you guys can lift up for a moment, I can get out of bed and make us something,” offered Luke.

“Don’t wanna,” complained Reid.

“Me neither,” whined Ethan.

Luke reached out to the bedside table for his cell phone. Ethan mumbled his annoyance at Luke’s stretching movement. Luke dialed and held the phone to his ear.

“Heya, Faithie,” Luke greeted. “You busy? Well, I was wondering if I could talk you into picking up breakfast for everyone and bringing it over for us. It’ll be my treat and I’ll give you twenty bucks. Fine. Thirty. If you could bring us coffee, juice, bagels and cream cheese, I’ll reimburse you and possibly put you in my will. Thanks! You’re the best.”

Luke hung up the phone and kissed the top of Reid’s head.

“Breakfast will be here in thirty minutes,” Luke assured Reid.

“I’ve never loved you more,” said Reid.

The three of them must have dozed off because they awoke to Faith and Natalie arriving with huge quantities of food. Coffee, juice, bagels, cream cheese, fresh strawberries, muffins.

“I’ve never loved the two of you more,” Reid said to Natalie and Faith who rolled their eyes in unison.

The bed barely had enough room for everyone and the food but Reid was fond enough of Luke’s siblings to not insist upon voting someone out of the bed. He was becoming sentimental in his old age.

genre: domestic, !author|artist: nancygrew, genre: family, character: natalie snyder, character: luke snyder, fan fiction, genre: kid-fic, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, character: faith snyder, pairing: luke/reid, rating: g, character: ethan snyder

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