Reid and Margo Chat

Sep 13, 2011 01:18

Title: Reid and Margo Chat
Author: nancygrew
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWt
Rating: G
Notes:  Originally written as comment fic [really long comment fic] on Noah_Who but it fits into my 'Verse so I'm going to include it here.  Takes place after the episode that aired on June 9, 2011.
Summary: Margo questions Reid about the punch

Reid was in one of the hospital break rooms, changing into street clothes when there was a knock on the door.

"Enter if you must," Reid called out.
The door opened and Oakdale’s Chief of Police, Margo Hughes, walked in.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Oliver," greeted Margo.

"Chief Hughes, what can I do for the long arm of the law today?" asked Reid.

"I’ve heard through the grapevine that you were punched in the face," said Margo.

"Well, you’re probably going to have to narrow it down a little. I get punched in the face A LOT," admitted Reid. "And the Oakdale grapevine is a little scary."

"The Oakdale grapevine is like kudzu. It’s literally unstoppable and grows exponentially," said Margo. "I was actually referring to your being punched by Noah Mayer this afternoon. But if there are more assaults you’d like to report, I’m willing to make this an all-day interview. We can order in dinner."

"Thanks for the thought but I won’t be pressing charges against The Thug-inator," answered Reid.

"If you’re thinking about taking the law into your own hands---"

"Oh, please," said Reid. "I’m a surgeon. My hands literally save lives. I couldn’t risk them by getting into a fistfight with someone. I assume that The Thug isn’t worried about being able to make over-priced coffee with one hand."

"Then why not press charges?" asked Margo. "You were physically assaulted. From the way the witnesses tell the story, the punch was unprovoked. You have the right to press charges against your assailant. A serious crime has been committed."

"It would be bad press for the hospital," said Reid. "I won’t put my own personal issues in front of the best interests of the hospital."

Margo tilted her head thoughtfully. "Your personal life is your own, Dr. Oliver. But if today was some sort of domestic situation gone wrong, it’s even more important that you press charges. If you and Noah are involved and you’re afraid of him---"

"That’s the grossest thing I’ve ever heard," shuddered Reid. "And I’ve done rotations in Infectious Diseases. Plus, I’ve seen the movie Showgirls."

Margo frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "I was under the impression that you were an intelligent man, the fact that you're homophobic---"

"If by homophobic, you mean gay, then yeah," said Reid. "I’m as homophobic as a three dollar bill."

"Oh," said Margo. "I apologize for throwing out the homophobic accusation. You know, from a straight female’s perspective, Noah is aesthetically pleasing. Isn’t Noah considered handsome by gay men?"

"I can’t really speak for all gay men," said Reid. "There was a vote at the last Universal Gay Men’s meeting last year and I was expressly forbidden from speaking on behalf of Gaydom. But I personally find his personality to be too off-putting to find him even slightly attractive."

Margo nodded without being aware of it until Reid smirked at her.

"You’re not a fan of The Thug?" asked Reid.

"My own personal feelings towards Noah Mayer are unimportant," said Margo. "I’m here in my position of Chief of Police. It’s important that you are aware of the fact that you have the right to press charges against someone who physically assaulted you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," said Reid. "As completely ridiculous as I find this hospital to be, I’m not going to subject it to bad publicity. So, what’s your issue with The Thug?"

"I don’t actually know Noah very well," said Margo hesitantly.

"But you don’t like him, do you?" asked Reid. "I have a candy bar that I am willing to split with you if you give me the gossip."

"Wow, bribing an officer of the law," smiled Margo. "And with an entire half of a candy bar,"

"I didn’t say I was willing to split the candy bar in half," huffed Reid. "I was thinking of splitting it 2/3rds for me and 1/3 for you."

Margo laughed. "Half the candy bar or no gossip from me."

Reid heaved a put-upon sigh. "Fine."

Reid took the candy bar from his locker and split it in half. He held out both halves to Margo so that she could select which half she wanted.

Reid and Margo both settled down on the beat up couch. Margo curled one leg under her body as she sat sideways to face Reid. 
"Have you met my son, Casey Hughes?" asked Margo.
 "Puh-lease," said Reid. "I was at that fiasco wedding slash gunfight."

Margo rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I remember. But have you actually met him, had a conversation with him, gotten to know him?"

"Not really," said Reid. "I try not to even make eye contact with the orderlies. It gives them false hope that I might want to have a conversation with them some day."

"My son has made some pretty big mistakes in his life," admitted Margo. "But he truly has a good heart. And he’s loyal to his friends. When his friend Luke Snyder started dating Noah, Casey welcomed Noah as a friend. Whenever Noah and Luke broke up, which was often, Casey tried to get them back together. Casey really tries to be there for his friends."

"What did Noah do to Casey?" asked Reid.

"He got him expelled from college," said Margo. "Don’t get me wrong. Casey was in the wrong and deserved to be expelled. But he didn’t deserve to have a trusted friend be the one to turn him in."

"Ouch," said Reid.

"And the worst part is that Noah tried to justify it by saying that he had to do the ‘right’ thing," said Margo. "And I know for a fact that Casey had previously covered up for Noah when Noah actually broke the law. It’s a long, ridiculous story but Casey could have gone to jail for it but Noah didn’t feel one shred of loyalty to Casey and ended up destroying his college career."

"And your son is still friends with the jerk?" asked Reid.

"I think that’s more about his friendship with Luke. He loves Luke and thinks that Luke and Noah might get back together again," said Margo. "I think that if this breakup is the permanent breakup then Casey will probably just drift away from Noah."

"I’m surprised that The Thug treats his friends as poorly as he treats his boyfriend," snarked Reid.

"Oh, my goodness!" exclaimed Margo. "I’m such an idiot. You have a thing for Luke, don’t you? That’s what the punch was about?"

"Wow, you really are Katie’s sister aren’t you?" asked Reid. "Just leaping to conclusions about a man’s feelings for another man just because he can see that that man’s boyfriend treats him badly."

"Do you loooooove him?" asked a laughing Margo.

Reid looked towards the Heavens. Well, the break room ceiling, anyway. "Why do Oakdalians feel it’s okay to ask about people’s personal business? Don’t any of you own television sets for entertainment? I hear that there are television shows with celebrities dancing. That’s probably entertaining."

"I can’t believe Katie didn’t tell me that her roommate has a love thing for Luke Snyder," said Margo. "You have a reputation for being rude and obnoxious but Katie says that you’re really sweet underneath. Way underneath. Luke is great and he deserves a boyfriend who’s successful and brilliant and secretly nice to people that he cares about. Luke’s such a sweet kid."

"He’s not a kid," snarked Reid. "Luke Snyder is a man. A man with plenty of responsibility on his shoulders. A man who tries to make the world better for the people he loves. And for complete strangers. He’s not some teeny-bopper I have the hots for."

Margo grinned and teasingly held up her hands in defense. "I apologize. No matter how old my boys get, or their friends get, they’ll always be kids to me. I remember when Luke was little and carried a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle lunchbox. I remember sleepovers where he and Casey and their friend Will stayed up all night giggling and arguing about superheroes. And he was always so polite and sweet to grown ups."

"Well, I bet the grown ups never noticed that underneath all that sweetness and politeness lay a Machiavellian schemer," huffed Reid.

"Ha!" said Margo. "He totally played me recently. He wanted his dad’s medical records and when I wouldn’t give them to him, he brought up the fact that he recently went through his other dad’s supposed death. And his eyes were just so big and sad that I couldn’t refuse him."

"Sucker," accused Reid.

"A couple of years ago, he went into detective-mode to solve a friend’s death," said Margo. "Luke felt so much loyalty to his late friend that he couldn’t just let the cops handle it. Granted, no one in Oakdale ever lets the police investigate crime on their own. And when the whole thing was over, and the bad guys arrested, instead of putting Luke in jail for interfering with a police investigation, I just wanted to tuck him into bed. And give him a cookie."

Reid shook his head. Oakdale where every day was SYOC [Solve Your Own Crime] day.

"It’s not my place to reveal Luke’s secrets," said Margo. "But he’s been through a lot in his young life. He deserves to be happy. I’m glad that there’s someone who sees that he’s special."

Reid could feel his face flush. "I’m not quite sure what’s going on with me and Luke. It’s complicated and confusing and sanity-crushing."

"Yep, that sounds like love," grinned Margo.

"Crap," said Reid.

"Buy you a cup of coffee at Java’s?" offered Margo. "If Noah’s on duty, I can glare at him until he cries."

"Is it incredibly sad that I actually think that sounds like fun?"

"Just a little. Come on, I hear they have pumpkin muffins today."

character: margo hughes, !author|artist: nancygrew, warning: noah-bashing, fan fiction, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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