Title: Margo and Noah Chat
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT]
Notes: Another comment fic I wrote for Noah_Who which I've decided fits into my 'Verse with my other stories. You do not have to read my other fic in order to understand ths one. Takes place after the episode aired June 9, 2010.
Summary: Margo and Reid are having coffee at Java's. Noah walks in.
Reid and Margo settled in at a corner table in Java. Margo had ordered a black coffee and Reid had ordered a caramel latte with whipped cream and an extra shot. Reid ignored Margo’s smirk while he ordered his drink. People and their antiquated ideas about gender roles when it came to hot beverage preferences never ceased to amaze him. They both had ordered the pumpkin muffins. They had just settled in and started debating about whether Jacob was a brilliant and observant infant or whether he was a gross drool machine when Noah Mayer entered the coffee shop. Noah glanced over at them nervously before heading towards the counter to order a black cup of decaf.
Margo put on her ‘Cop Face’ and pulled out a notebook and started to pretend to take notes.
Reid glanced at her notebook and saw that she was drawing pictures of sword-wielding, dueling bunnies. "Whatcha doin’, Officer Bunny Drawer?"
"Pretending to take your statement so that Noah pees himself in terror," replied Margo.
"If it was someone other than the guy who’s spent months making Luke miserable and guilty, I would get up on my high horse about abuse of authority," said Reid.
"It’s not an abuse of power if putting the fear of God into a violent offender makes him think twice before assaulting his next victim." Margo gave a very serious nod and closed her notebook with a snap. "Stay here while I go tell Noah that although you’ve decided not to press charges, against my advise, I might add, I still want to see him down at the police station tomorrow to make a statement."
"Remind me not to get on your bad side," said an impressed Reid.
Noah had been given his decaf and was almost out the door, when Margo laid a hand on his arm. "Noah, may I speak with you for a minute?"
"Sure, Margo," said Noah with a nervous attempt at a smile.
"It’s my understanding that you committed physical assault today," said Margo.
"That jerk hasn’t told you the whole story," hissed Noah. "He stole--"
"You may want to seek the advise of counsel before you say anything else, Noah," advised Margo. "Even though Dr. Oliver has decided to not press charges, that doesn’t mean that the District Attorney won’t go ahead with a filing charges anyway. There are plenty of witnesses that saw you throw an unprovoked punch at the doctor."
"Margo, you know me," said Noah. "You know that I wouldn’t just haul off and punch somebody if I didn’t have a good reason."
"I didn’t realize that there were good reasons to commit assault," said Margo coolly. "I’m going to have to re-read some law books if there are exceptions to the rules about punching people in the face. Murder is still illegal, right?"
"Margo, he seduced Luke while I was blind," said Noah heatedly.
"So what?" asked Margo. "Why would Luke having sex with someone else after you and he broke up give you the right to punch out the man your ex-boyfriend has feelings for?"
Noah looked defeated. "He had no right to make Luke fall for him. Luke and I belong together."
"I’m disturbed that you’re justifying your violent actions instead of regretting them, Noah," said Margo. "I think it would be a good idea for you to have a lawyer present when I take your statement. Can you meet me at the police station tomorrow?"
"Am I really going to get into trouble for this?" worried Noah.
"You don’t think you should?" asked Margo. "If someone had punched you in the face, wouldn’t you be pressing charges?"
"I guess so," muttered Noah. "But there really were extenuating circumstances in my case. He’s a bastard and he’s just going to hurt Luke."
"Are you even listening to yourself?" asked Margo. "You’ve committed a crime and you’re justifying it. Even though Dr. Oliver isn’t interested in pressing charges, I’m going to put pressure on the District Attorney to bring you to trial. You’ve proven yourself to be a menace and a danger to society."
"Margo, please," said Noah. "If I’m charged with a crime, I could lose everything. I could get kicked out of school. I’m sorry. I’ll apologize to Dr. Oliver if you’d like."
"What would that prove? You wouldn’t be sincere."
"I wasn’t thinking when I hit Dr. Oliver," exclaimed Noah. "Everything has just been really bad for me for such a long time and he’s part of the reason why."
"Didn’t he give you back your sight?" asked Margo.
"Yeah, but I lost Luke to him," said Noah. "I know I treated Luke badly but Luke would have come back to me if Dr. Oliver wasn’t around making Luke feel confused. Luke always comes back to me. He needs me."
"Wow," said Margo. "The fact that you believe that just makes me really sad for you, Noah. And it makes me sad to think that Luke had a relationship with someone who emotionally abused him, someone who has the gall to feel that Luke should come back for more."
"I never emotionally abused Luke!" huffed Noah. "You know Luke. You know how he needs someone to tell him when he’s acting like a Grimaldi."
"How about you, Noah?" said Margo. "Do you have someone to tell you when you’re acting like a Mayer? I think that today’s demonstration proves that the violent apple didn’t fall too far from the violent tree."
Noah looked like he had been punched in the face. "I’m nothing like my father."
"Whatever you say. Please give me a call tomorrow to let me know when you want to come down to make a statement."
Noah nodded and rushed out of the coffee shop.
Margo shook her head. She returned to the table she’d been sharing with Reid.
"You don’t look very happy for someone who was just scaring the Hell out of someone," said Reid.
Margo sighed. "I guess I’m just surprised at how absolutely clueless Noah is about his actions. I think he sees himself as the put-upon hero of the story."
Reid shrugged. "I think we all tend to see ourselves as the hero of the story. Even those of us who are egotistical jerks."
"I think at a certain age, you resign yourself to being a bit character in the story whose sole purpose is to support the other characters."
"Please," huffed Reid. "You’re the Chief of Police of Hell. You must have plenty of adventures."
"I used to have adventures," sighed Margo. "Adventures and capers, too."
"I have another ten minutes before I have to get back to the hospital. Tell me about one of your capers."
"Once, Tom and I hunted down a criminal mastermind named ‘Mr Big.’"
Reid sighed. "Of course, you did."