Umbrella of love ( nana with nika) and someYamapi RANDOM >

Jul 13, 2008 10:08

Is because I want to show something precious here..
Nana and Nikaido under umbrella of love..lols~KOIZORA ^___^

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yamapi, tomato-chan, hika say.....

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Comments 29

misako_amaya July 13 2008, 18:02:51 UTC
But it was only for magazine XD Pi didn't have sex with this girl XD'' it was for An An


nana_hikachan July 14 2008, 00:22:44 UTC
yeah..i know but it still something not really good don't you think..^^;;


mklia July 13 2008, 22:47:43 UTC
gosh dear, its only for a AN AN mag photoshoot...
but Pi has great butt!!! :D
Tomato is kawaii, the eyes esp... :D
We all are just hoping that our fav idol wont do stuff like that ne... :D
i seldom see Nika in SCs except when he's performing of cos...
take care... :D


nana_hikachan July 14 2008, 00:24:36 UTC
lols~i know..that butt is some some...wiiiieeee~~~
even it was photoshoot..i still think it wasn't something really good.


ryouhei July 14 2008, 03:23:46 UTC
Lol, I understand you. I also heavily dislike this Yamapi-shoot. I never wanted to see his butt... (o_o) and it doesn't even look that great xDD
I don't believe that Nikaido would do such kind of a photo-shoot. Kismai are way too non-famous for that xD

Oooh, the rose-thing is such a nice idea! Even if you are allergic to that, I think it's kinda romantic. Who could've sent you that rose?

Why is Takakin a tomato? XD
I'm always laughing when he's imitating Jin because I really don't think that making the same lip-movements like Jin is a nice thing. And it looks ridicilous, lol.


nana_hikachan July 14 2008, 03:58:15 UTC
Ahhaa..finally someone agree with me about his butt..yes that butt was something he should keep for himself and not to show other's..even it was photoshoot but I still pity to all his fan..they're heartbroken badly..but i'm not yamapi fan..not even closed..^^/

i think if kisumai did that photoshoot,their popularity will incerease but in a bad way ><"

rose thing..yeah i don't know who gave me weird..and i'm the only nana in that coffee house so i feel so surprised to see it..and sneeze badly after that..
my friend keep saying that was kyaa~romantic but i was make me sick already ^^;;

haha..because he look tomato to me..his face ,himself..I don't know..can't explained..and my friend call him that because of ogata yamato character in gokusen 3..
immitate jinjin lips..i think only certain people good doing that..such as taisuke..haha~
it was my opinion lols~


ryouhei July 14 2008, 05:02:34 UTC
You totally sound like Ryoichi Tsukada from ABC since he also said that you should expose your skin for special people only.
It's totally ok for me if Yamapi does sexy photo-shoots, but no nude ones, please. He was the first Johnny I liked, but I'm not heartbroken. Even if my favorite idol (one guy from Battle) did something like that, I wouldn't jump out the window (xD), I would just be disappointed. xD

My stomach hurts only by thinking about Kismai doing this kind of photoshoot. It would be the most hilarious thing ever xD I mean... Yamapi has muscles and a masculine body, but it would be hard to distinguish the Kismai-members and the girls they would be posing with xDDD And since Taisuke clearly wants to be a girl...

I still think that the rose is a nice idea ^^

You think that Taisuke imitates Jin's lips? Huh.... Ryosuke Yamada is a better example since he is always crowning his poor ballet-dancing with his Jin-mimics. It's... disturbing.


nana_hikachan July 14 2008, 05:18:35 UTC
me sounded like Tsuka-chan??
haha~I don't know what to say..It was my opinion and somehow it similar to tsuka..*hug tsukada*

hey..are you teasing me..I will jump out of window if Nika did that..but only Nika..if other fav I would jusy disappointed.

haha~i guess you're right but I sometimes..think taisuke is hot..don't you think that too??
he was so kakkoi but cute at the same times..why people look at him as girl??
tama is more like girl..I guess so ^^;;

rose idea is's just my weird allergic..i like other flowers..but i'm not flower lover actually so...~hhihi ^^/

yamada did better than taisuke?
can you show me?


hokuto_sama July 15 2008, 17:18:17 UTC
LOL! ure allergic to roses? the flowers of Love? of THE kind of LOVE Nika wuld give???


ha, I guess i might like hydrangeas more then^^U or Peonies lol
what kind of flowers do u like?

AHHHHH~!!! the whole world angsted at pi's Shoot of An An, but now, they worship every inch of his immacutely smooth butt. It's not that great really xp, pi HAS no butt *shot* I guarantee u Nika wouldn't do it. Not. He would so do it, but in case Kisumai debuted, AN An would get Hiroro or Taip. Once again, Nika's a slut, so it wouldn't be taht much of a surprise.

Maybe u should become a model so u can pose Nude with nika XDDDDDD

*shot, whacked and killed*

Ah~ tomato-chan rabu!♥
*are people still wondering why u call him that? no need to explain, just say, because I can xp XD*


hokuto_sama July 15 2008, 17:21:17 UTC
oh, and U meant to say Ai Ai Gasa not KOIZORA XDD
Koizora is completely different from anything umbrella related!O_O


nana_hikachan July 16 2008, 00:21:15 UTC
lol..i know umbrella with koizora has nothing to do with each other but the sky ??lol

ai ai gasa..I haven't watch it yet..


nana_hikachan July 16 2008, 00:18:43 UTC
Now I started to LOVE YOU ALMA

i don't know if what kind of flower I like because it was my 1st time receive it from somebody and it feels weird.Rose are beautiful but it make me sick so if I know who that person ( who gimme that flower )..I would apologixed to him /her ^^;;

you like peonies and hydrangeas?? peonies is something I DIDN'T FAMILIAR WITH ^^

I guess you right..AN AN might wanna get hiroro an taiP..but said it again..Nika is slut *shot Alma*

lol~are you serious..are you telling me to become a model and do nude pose with NIKA?

Tomato-chan rabu??
yup..person below you ask me..she loves tomato too but she feel weird why TOMATO..and after this I should explained to her ^_^ because you can
you're tyhe creator LOL..
I'm just your obedient follower..( am I spell right>?)


crazy_otaku911 July 15 2008, 20:08:04 UTC
W-why are you calling Yuya a Tomato?...


nana_hikachan July 16 2008, 00:25:00 UTC
I'm not teasing was a cute names from okusen 3..just a little bit modification..I'm sorry..

you know OGATA+YAMATO=cute tomato ^^;;


crazy_otaku911 July 18 2008, 02:58:21 UTC
I'm not saying it's not cute! =] I was just super confused! But I get it now~!!! That's so alskjd;falksfjdasalskfjd;alsd CUTE


nana_hikachan July 18 2008, 05:57:11 UTC


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