Umbrella of love ( nana with nika) and someYamapi RANDOM >

Jul 13, 2008 10:08

Is because I want to show something precious here..
Nana and Nikaido under umbrella of love..lols~KOIZORA ^___^

Is because I love Nikaido Takashi so much so if something like koizora..I want..but if I can choose..I will be Hiro and die and let Nika who will be Mika and stay alive with our precious love..^___^
omg .. Nana started to talk nonsence ^_^

Today I receive one silly rose from anonymous..and that silly rose make me sneeze non-stop because I hate that flower..><
I don't know it was from who and why that person gave it to me..that anonymous put the flower near the place that I work and write FOR NANA ..I was so shocked ..and my friend can't stop teasing me badly..
And I already throw that rose away..I'm sorry roses because I  will sick each time I get closer to that scary flower ^^;;
Other flower might be okay but roses are too lame..
*had a terrible experience with it*

why am I making this thing big??^^;;

I'm sorry~~

And there was a time I feel like I really can kill myself if this thing happen between Takashi Nikaido with some girls..

what's this..

if this kind of thing happen in future..I will ask Mia to kill me..~~
because I can't live anymore..I don't know what's the point PI did this but didn't he know how many heart he already break..just by doing that kind of photoshoot..^^"

i think pi is a good guy..yes he is but every human will do a mistake isn't it??
so.....this kind of mistake..if happen to Nika..I can die..
or stab myself..or run in front high speed car..and maybe jump from higher building..lols~

See..nana talking something nonsence again and again..
I'm Alma said..I'm such a random person and love to talk random thing..lols~

But if Pi did this..I love him..rofl ^^



now how I really wish Nika did this and  somebody make a gif of it..^^
this kind of move ( if Nika did ) can kill me too..ROFL ^^

See...Alma  was right..I love talking random ^^


Tomato said ~
am I cute? I am cute lols..see this ..see this..I love you ^^

And Nana said ~
ILUSM too..


yamapi, tomato-chan, hika say.....

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