Month-long TV Meme - Day #18 - Favourite title sequence.

Jun 18, 2010 11:51

When nicis_anatomy started to post this meme last month, I promised her that I would do it in June. So I am keeping my promise. From seeing Nici's posts last month, I know several of my answers will be the same as hers.

The 30 Day TV Meme )

!memes/quizes, tv: general, tv show: m*a*s*h, tv: 30 day meme

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Comments 16

plutos_revenge June 18 2010, 11:06:06 UTC
I was wondering what you'd pick for this one. I don't know the title sequence for M*A*SH, though I do of course know the music. I really must bump it up my lovefilm list...

I can't think of a single title sequence I ever bother to sit through, other than The Simpsons. Something like NCIS I'll sit through it for the first ep in a new season to see what's changed but that's about it. I generally fast forward through them all. There are a few I like the music for & might occasionally sit through (Buffy, Between the Lines) but that's about it & even that's not often. If I'm watching 'live' I'll either briefly channel hop or fidget mightily. This is possibly a round about way of saying I have the attention span of a goldfish *g*


nakeisha June 18 2010, 11:28:49 UTC
It wasn't an easy one to be honest, I had a few in mind but none really stood out and quite a few don't have one as such, they just show the names, etc. over the 'action'.

I wish I could have found the one I was looking for, as it really does say so much - but having spent over half an hour trying, I gave up.

Hi, goldfish *g* We do sit through them, I can't think of any we fast-forward through, but often we're chatting or talking to Lace or something, but rarely through M*A*S*H.


plutos_revenge June 18 2010, 11:39:33 UTC
*waves a fin back*

I'll have a pootle later & see if I can find it, I'm intrigued now!

I like the Simpsons because it's different at the end each time, whereas with the others it's the same old same old every week (I loved the revamped Buffy one in the ep where Jonathan was superhero guy, but I knew in advance to watch that!) & I don't see the point of sitting through them - I already know who's in the show after all. So not only do I have a very short attention span I'm also very impatient. Heh, who'd have though tv title sequences could be so revealing *g*


nakeisha June 18 2010, 11:55:22 UTC
*Giggles* Ooop, J's now wondering what I'm laughing at.

As I said I found a couple of crappy versions and a later one, but not the one I wanted *pouts*

Oh, yes, we used to watch The Simpsons most evenings literally just to see the ending *g*

I guess sitting through them is just part of what I do, like not FF'ing through any eps.

You, impatient? Surely not???


franciskerst June 18 2010, 14:49:46 UTC
You make me feel like buying the series box-set (if I can find it now; I'm sure it was released but long ago and probably not in big quantity). When it was first broadcast in France, I heard a lot about it from my pals, and with praise, but - very stupidly - I refused to watch it because it was said to be "very gore". I wasn't and still am not so much sensitive than opposed, on principles, to the complacent use of violence and bloody action. I hadn't understood at the time that there was no irresponsible complacency but, on the contrary, a sharp criticism of the war and of war-like minded people.


nakeisha June 18 2010, 15:30:36 UTC
It does still exist, yes. Both as all 11 series in one set and as individual series. has the complete set M*A*S*H.

It's a complete criticism of war, in particular the Vietnam war, which is in effect that it was 'using'. The main character in particular is scathing and cutting about it. It is humour, but it's pathos as well and certainly in no way supports war. There is the odd character who does see it as glory, but they are used for the others to decry it.

The surgeons work around the clock and then around the clock again just putting these young men back together again.

I think you'd enjoy it. Off hand I can't remember if it has French sub-titles though. I'll try to remember to look tonight when I go into 'Languages' to turn off the laughter track.


gilda_elise June 18 2010, 16:24:09 UTC
I always loved this show. It remained consistently excellent through its long run, actually getting better with age when Potter, BJ and Charles Winchester replaced Blake, Trapper and Frank Burns.


nakeisha June 18 2010, 17:01:38 UTC
Yay for another M*A*S*H lover.

I do so agree. It was good in the first few seasons, but I too felt that it got better with BJ, Colonel Potter and Charles. We've got to just about pre-Charles on our rewatch.

I really liked Trapper, Henry and Frank, but I think they went as far as they could with the characters. And I'm a person who normally hates change *g* They needed a regular army person to be in charge, Frank really got to his 'sell by date' and they needed someone who'd try to complete less with Hawkeye and balance him more - Trapper was too like him.

A series that shows it can get better as it goes on.


karaokegal June 18 2010, 21:43:10 UTC
Have you ever heard the lyrics? I don't know if they were ever used in the series, but they're actually sung in the movie.

Also, from IMDB:

The 14-year-old son of Robert Altman, Mike Altman, wrote the lyrics to the theme song "Suicide is Painless". Because of its inclusion in the subsequent TV series, he continued to get residuals throughout its run and syndication. His father was paid $75,000 for directing but his son eventually made about $2,000,000 in song royalties.


nakeisha June 19 2010, 09:52:14 UTC
I do indeed know the lyrics, they are excellent and very poignant and fitting.

I didn't know they were written by a 14 year old!


ami_ven June 19 2010, 04:00:18 UTC
Yes, I love the theme to M*A*S*H. The whole show was great, and the opening captures the spirit of it really well. And now, I'm remembering one night in college when I stayed up until, I think, about three in the morning (with early classes) to watch the two-part final episode, which I had seen at least a couple times before.


nakeisha June 19 2010, 09:53:11 UTC
Yay for another lover of the theme and M*A*S*H in general.

I'm glad you too think the opening captures the spirit of the show so well.

*Smiles* The things we do, eh?


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