I am going to continue my tradition of rounding up the year by doing this meme.
Previous years can be found here:
Fanfiction - 2005 Fanfiction - 2006 Fanfiction - 2007 & the
Addenda 2008 I. FICTION IN 2009
13 Fandoms. 42 Pairings (Slash, Het & Gen)/Characters (Gen) )
Comments 44
I like that you wrote exactly one more G/D than general series. ;)
Happy New Year hon, and I concur with the lack of resolutions, as long as you are enjoying the writing, that is *the* thing.
Much love to you, J & Lacey xxx
p.s. OMGoodness! It's started snowing here! Yay!
Thank you very much. I know it's a good achievement, but to miss to 'big' things, just takes the edge of it somehow. And not to write anything over c.15,000 words . . .
True, I did. *Eyes my adventurous pairings*
*Chuckles* And hit exactly 100 - go me :-)
Happy New Year to you too, honey. I've made the here and in a 'New Year's Resolutions' post and most years I haven't hit them all. But other years have been the perennial not hit, i.e. sorting zins out, but looking back at what I resolved to do this year, I have failed quite badly. So . . .
Thank you. And love to you, D and the wee ones too.
Ooh, snow. Are you now home or still with family?
I have no idea how many stories I have written this year, but maybe I will try to find out tomorrow ;)
I know it's not bad, but I do feel bad for missing NaNo and Big Bang. Very bad. And nothing over c.15,000 is poor going for me, IMHO. I can't help but feel that somehow writing-wise 2009 hasn't been that good a year for me. But I have enjoyed myself, so I do have that at least.
I ::coughs:: keep a note of mine in a spread-sheet and also keep this meme updated each time I post a new story. Me, anal? Yep :-)
I was sure you would also have a spread-sheet for this *g*
I should have written longer G/D stories.
So yes, I enjoyed what I wrote, I made people happy with what I wrote, I made me happy with what I wrote, but it doesn't change the fact I wrote nothing over 15,000 *sighs*
*Giggles* Oh, yes. (At least one).
I do hope you continue to have pleasure in what you're doing, whether it's a drabble or an epic!
Thank you. Enjoyment is what it's all about and yes, I have thoroughly enjoyed what I've written. I just love to write.
I've managed one 10 chaptered fic (and I mean with a normal word count) but mostly I don't manage more than four.
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