I am going to continue my tradition of rounding up the year by doing this meme.
Previous years can be found here:
Fanfiction - 2005 Fanfiction - 2006 Fanfiction - 2007 & the
Addenda I. FICTION IN 2008
Ten Fandoms. Thirty Pairings (Slash, Het & Gen)/Characters (Gen) )
Comments 16
Soooo amazing!!! *g*
Thank you so much.
*hugs* Over your long story/short story dilemma. Such different writing and enjoyable for such different reasons - I sympathise entirely!
Loving the stats (no surprises there ;)
Really interesting to read your own thoughts on your stories. *is fascinated* :) It was cool to reminisce - quite a few times I went 'Oooo, yes that story!'
Good luck for this year, oh prolific one ;) (it makes me all the happier, reading your long list of fic, knowing that you enjoy writing them so much *hugs*)
*looks forward to future Nikki fic* Thank you for all the enjoyment you've given us reading folk :)
*Hugs back* Ah, yes, I guessed you'd understand. There is such a different technique involved and I really do get a lot of pleasure out of writing exact number of words.
*Chuckles* Indeed not - thank you.
I'm pleased you found it interesting - it's a fun one to do. *Beams happily*
Thank you so much. Awww, *Hugs you* Thank you.
You are more than welcome. I'm just so chuffed it is enjoyed. Thank you and *Mega hugs*
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