[snippet] Come Morning

Mar 03, 2014 23:59

while I realize such a thing would be better received on Tumblr, I have no intention of linking these accounts. what can I say, I'm an old fogey of the internet now. :p ( Read more... )

xmfc: come morning, fanfiction: xmen first class, writing: fanfiction

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Comments 9

lusimeles March 4 2014, 18:45:41 UTC
this was really gorgeous, and so heartbreaking. thank you for posting it! UGH, ERIK/CHARLES. FOREVER TRAGIC :(

poor charles, especially.


nagasasu March 5 2014, 01:16:10 UTC
Awww, thank you! I didn't know you were a shipper!

Yeah, Charles kinda gets the shaft a lot in this 'verse. (If you haven't read the longer story this snippet is related to, you can read it here. But even if you don't read the fic, you should check out aqueoushumor/celadonite's art!)


lusimeles March 5 2014, 17:03:09 UTC
not like, a hardcore shipper, but they're big enough in the xmfc fandom that i almost figure i might as *well* ship them, if that makes sense? like, i get feels from reading fic, what can i say ;)

also, wow, i will have to bookmark that bc i have to be at court within the hour, but thanks!


nagasasu March 6 2014, 03:09:17 UTC
Hope court went well!

Also, drive by fic rec if you like lulzy porn based upon the premise of a sink handjob, lol: http://panzercat.tumblr.com/post/78629397613/the-sink-handjob-fic-everyone-has-always-wanted


afrocurl March 5 2014, 00:00:12 UTC
Why would you do this to me dearest? I don't know if I can handle more of their tragic life in that 'verse. But, breathtaking as always.


nagasasu March 5 2014, 01:19:03 UTC
/o\ Erik hasn't gotten over his Shaw issues yet. This time, Charles won't be as happy to sit aside and wait though... But as usual with me there is a happy ending at the end. :)

And thanks! I was thinking the prose in this is pretty rough compared to what I churned out for the RB.


redconverse March 6 2014, 06:25:01 UTC
Sigh, Erik!!

This is great and so terrifically, well. Dream-like, of course, but I don't know how to say that in any other way, hah. You did a lovely job of evoking dreams.

Do you not have an AO3 account? I was looking to link to you when I posted my UTTERLY SERIOUS FANFYCTION but I could not seem to find it, though, of course, like me you've >1 username.


nagasasu March 7 2014, 02:03:23 UTC
Thanks! I totally don't remember if you ever read the longer fic this is attached to, but more dream shenanigans can be found here: http://nagasasu.livejournal.com/132290.html

I do have an ao3! I'll PM you with the usernames.


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