Days of December - Pan's Labyrinth

Feb 01, 2014 12:29

Until I finish the last of my Days of December meme posts, feel free to continue to prompt more. Consider it my apology for taking so long to do them, lol.

Pan's Labyrinth for osprey_archer .

I actually saw Pan's Labyrinth when it came out in theaters.  How I found out about it, I no longer remember.  Probably through the newspaper's movie reviews back when ( Read more... )

meme, movie

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Comments 4

incandescent February 2 2014, 02:30:06 UTC
Ah, that's a movie I need to re-watch. I saw it years ago on dvd, and was doing work while I watched it, so I recall missing large parts of the dialogue. I was also a bit more squeamish about violence, then, so I was avoiding that. It was beautiful, though. And I do love the soundtrack. It would be a nice thing to return to, if I can find the time.


nagasasu February 10 2014, 00:54:24 UTC
Oh, let me know what you think when you get to see it! :)


lordes February 6 2014, 21:48:44 UTC
That movie freaked me out! I had nightmares for weeks about the eyeless man!


nagasasu February 10 2014, 00:54:49 UTC
The eyeless man is pretty darn freaky. That would be the scariest Halloween costume ever!


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