Days of December - Pan's Labyrinth

Feb 01, 2014 12:29

Until I finish the last of my Days of December meme posts, feel free to continue to prompt more. Consider it my apology for taking so long to do them, lol.

Pan's Labyrinth for osprey_archer .

I actually saw Pan's Labyrinth when it came out in theaters.  How I found out about it, I no longer remember.  Probably through the newspaper's movie reviews back when they didn't outsource their reviews.  Because it was a foreign film, my mother and I had to go to the nearest college-town to view it.  I no longer remember much about the initial experience other than the way the eyeless man left such a huge impression, but we liked it so much we bought the DVD when it released at Costco.

It's not surprising that I love Pan's Labyrinth.  Whenever I make lists of favorite movies, it's always on them.  It's a movie about a young girl that doesn't condescend to them, nor is it very male gaze-y.  It's also a non-Disney-fied fairy tale: it's a children's story where violence is ever-present.  And of course, I love these kind of fairy tales.  (Oddly enough, usually I also favor fairy tales that don't shy from sex either, but this absence doesn't bother me at all about Pan's Labyrinth)

I also bought the OST, but was a bit disappointed by it, as it's essentially nothing but theme and variation.  And because the theme is a lullaby, it's a bit too soothing, lol.  But I do love the director's commentary .  So many interesting facts like the director's hate of horses, background about the actors, and the literary references throughout the movie.  Also the other bonus features, such as Doug Jones' performance as the faun, and the prosthetics/makeup/SFX involved is super neat.

While the ending of Pan's Labyrinth would usually drive me mad, the movie's just so good I don't care.  The fandom is small, but I also enjoy the few (Ofelia/Faun) fics I found on FF.n, particularly blacktalon117's To Wed A Faun, which is a very sweet and romantic story of growing up (and sexual awakening).

Of course, my desire for sequalage never abated (the abandoned idea of a pregnant woman making a deal with a faun remains interesting to me), but the film began my love affair with Guillermo del Toro. Because Pan's Labyrinth is the spiritual sequel to Devil's Backbone, I watched that too, even though it's not really my thing.  I've follows his career ever since, but oddly enough Pacific Rim is the only thing I've loved (but in a very different way than Pan's Labyrinth).  But even if I don't always watch his newer movies, I still like the quotes of his I see floating around Tumblr, and I'm looking forward to seeing his version of Beauty and the Beast (but we'll see how it compares to the upcoming French one with Vincent Cassel and Lea Seydoux).

I haven't re-watched the movie in awhile, but it's something to look forward to: the thin man with his eyes in his palms, Mercedes and her ability to gut pigs, Doug Jones as the faun, Ofelia's journey... It's something I always love returning to.

Originally posted on DW with

meme, movie

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