Smooch update!

Jan 31, 2018 08:03

What a big day he had on Monday!  To the vet for bladder surgery, where they removed 5 apple seed sized loose stones, and where they also clipped his claws and SHAVED HIM.  Then home with a cone, then back to the vet on Tuesday for observation (they babysat him for me so I could sleep!)

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smooch, cats, animals

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Comments 6

ashbet January 31 2018, 14:40:04 UTC
This makes me so happy to hear!!!!



naamah_darling January 31 2018, 15:10:27 UTC
I am so glad he's doing so well. I'm crazy stressed out and have barely slept, but he's all right and that's ALL that matters.


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naamah_darling February 17 2018, 11:49:30 UTC
I don't know how I didn't catch the typo! He only had 5 stones, not 8, thank goodness, but he was still plenty uncomfortable and he very obviously feels much better now!


ladybugpurple February 2 2018, 04:14:22 UTC
Yay! I'm glad everything went well and that you're doing okay too! <3 *hugs*


songblaze February 17 2018, 11:15:23 UTC
It is awesome to hear the little fella is doing better!

Did I ever tell you how Hudson behaved when he was tripping balls after having a broken tooth removed? OMG. He was seriously freaked out by my fiance. Normally, he loves my fiance almost as much as he loves me, but he spent the whole afternoon and evening after the (morning) surgery sitting as far as he could from my fiance and just STARING at him. It was very disconcerting. We have absolutely no idea what was going on, but man was Hudson spooked.


naamah_darling February 17 2018, 11:48:01 UTC
Oh, wow! How disconcerting! I'm glad he got over it. Poor little dude.

Raleigh just had a tooth removed and he was loopy as fuck for two days. Just sleeping and drooling on himself. XD


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