
Nov 17, 2014 23:22

Poor guy had a rough day.

I took him to the vet because he has another eye infection.  They checked his eye for ulcers, seems clear, though it's still possible he has feline ocular herpes that acts up occasionally and causes grossness.  That sucks, but isn't scary.  So we medicate and be patient and see how he does.

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smooch, cats, animals

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Comments 5

ashbet November 18 2014, 05:52:03 UTC
*hugs* Glad to hear that the little dude is being kept in good health :)

(And, yeah, that eye stuff is a pain -- Zuul had it as a kitten, was treated, and to this day, 12 years later, still has eye boogers on that side. Doesn't bother her, and the vet isn't fussed, but it's low-grade and persistent.)



naamah_darling November 18 2014, 05:57:15 UTC
I mean, it's kind of a given, what with his face being so messed up, and Persians having funky tear duct plumbing to begin with. The vet was impressed I'd thought to trim away the eyelashes as much as possible.


ladybugpurple November 18 2014, 18:25:53 UTC
Aw, I'm glad he was able to get situated! <3


onered911 November 30 2014, 18:01:57 UTC
You can always try L-lysine for him. It helps the immune system keep viruses at bay and it's pretty inexpensive, I think. *hugs*


naamah_darling November 30 2014, 22:04:14 UTC
That was totally a thing the vet suggested! I'm gonna get some when I go back on Tuesday. It's quite affordable, but I couldn't afford it at the time.

Good to know it works!


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