Another new year.

Jan 03, 2014 05:37

I don't make resolutions. I don't even really consider it an important occasion, except most everyone else does, so that naturally causes me to stop and reflect on how things have gone for me ( Read more... )

gaming, etrigan, smooch, cats, animals

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Comments 21

brightlotusmoon January 4 2014, 04:34:26 UTC
SERENITY. I must now gently grab her from my shelf of toys and hug her and brush her hair as a self soothing action.

Seriously, dude. Seriously. Again, thank you for Serenity. Thank you for giving her to me. With that note. With no warning. You... I mean, you made my whole year with that. Thank you.


naamah_darling January 4 2014, 04:39:40 UTC
I honestly consider that one of, if not THE, best and most important thing I did this year. I needed to do it as much as you needed to get it, I think. :) The perfect gesture, equally meaningful and necessary on both ends.


brightlotusmoon January 4 2014, 22:35:41 UTC
I'm glad, so so glad. I swear, I could still go on and on about how magnificent the entire thing was: you starting to make Serenity, me casually saying I was thinking about asking for a Pony, you smirking all the way even as you carefully shared photos of her in the making with me none the wiser, me getting the finished product in the mail as a complete and total surprise and screaming and crying with pure joy for hours...

I guess, with the painting Adam did of Tazendra, and you getting it in the mail with no warning, we're kind of... well, "even" sort of. ;)


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naamah_darling January 4 2014, 05:52:35 UTC
I love the new running assassination. Not as well as the former POUNCE!!!, but it's cool. I think the combat kill animations are too long, and leave me way too vulnerable to attack when in the middle of a clusterfuck. They really refined the way climbing/tree-running works from AC3, or I'm just more used to it, and I love that function. So cool. The stalking zones are hugely improved and just utterly fucking fantastic, the best innovation in the last two games hands down. The way restricted areas seem to work is much less frustrating; still just as risky, just not as stupid and aggravating ( ... )


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naamah_darling January 4 2014, 09:03:34 UTC
Man, Charles Lee was a shit's shit, and he wasn't even *hot.* Like, du Casse in AC4 is HOT. VERY HOT. And holy shit let me tell you HOW HARD I wanted a Cesare/Ezio/Caterina Sforza hatefucking three-way. But yeah, Charles Lee: worthless piece of shit, and I could not kill him enough ( ... )


deltachild January 4 2014, 22:36:26 UTC
Congratulations on your achievements in 2013, even if you're not entirely satisfied, you still achieved new stuff :) Good wishes for the new year as well!

I love reading about the personalties of your cats and how they interact with you - plus I have sympathy for dealing with a stupid best-friend. Ducky has taken to licking every single bit of my skin that he can get to, including my ears, my face and the back of my neck while I'm attempting to muck out around him. When he can't get to any skin, he lightly bites a bit of baggy clothing and starts sucking on it. I do love his big stupid face but horses have huge slobbery tongues and I usually go to work after the stables in the morning....


naamah_darling January 5 2014, 04:08:03 UTC
I try to focus on the stuff I DID rather than all the shit I never managed to get done.

Oh my god, okay, like, I had NO IDEA that horses had such LONG TONGUES, and when I went to the fair many years ago, and they had the show horses in the stalls and you could walk down and look at them all, and some were super-friendly and just wanted to be loooooooved, and I didn't KNOW THIS so I reached up to pet one on the nose and it started LICKING ME and I completely freaked out. HUGE LONG DROOLY TONGUES OMG. Very smooth, but then, I'm used to CATS and Smooch has, like, the roughest tongue of any cat I've ever had.

So cute about Ducky, but I can see how that would be a problem if you had to work! XD How is he doing overall, BTW?


deltachild January 26 2014, 14:29:34 UTC
Yeah the stuff you didn't get done can either be reset to do this year or wasn't done for some kind of cosmic reason ( ... )


sanat January 8 2014, 12:37:54 UTC
Pardon me, madam, but I just felt like pointing out that I name-dropped (hopefully audibly) Adventurotica on the latest episode of the podcast I run with some of my writer's group chums, and gave the material I've read from it general thumbs-up:

We don't have a great many listeners apart from the rest of our writer's group, but it was the least I could do, having enjoyed so many of your stories there :)


sanat January 8 2014, 12:39:02 UTC
The mention is about 30ish minutes in, if you just want to hear that part. ;)


naamah_darling January 8 2014, 12:42:28 UTC
AWESOME!!! Thank you so much, that's super-cool!

I'll give it a listen in the morning when I don't have to worry about waking anyone up trying to find my headphones! :D


blue_peitho January 10 2014, 19:20:20 UTC
Hey there - for your mental health blog:


naamah_darling January 10 2014, 20:25:47 UTC
I love Seanan so much.


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