Happy Adoption Day!

Jul 11, 2012 13:52

We brought the boys home one year ago today! To celebrate, and also give me something nice to think about, here is a massive picspam, beginning with some pictures of them at their most beautiful. More under the cut.

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etrigan, kitty pics, smooch, pics, cats, animals

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Comments 24

snowcoma July 11 2012, 19:34:46 UTC
Totally random, but you have such pretty hands!

And I needed kitty pictures today. Thank you *HUGS*


naamah_darling July 11 2012, 22:01:57 UTC
Thank you! I've been self-conscious about them since I gained weight and got chubby little shrimp-fingers again (and my gold anniversary ring doesn't fit now), but I saw these pics and was like, damn, I have me some cute-as-fuck hands. <3


galiyah July 12 2012, 14:36:06 UTC
I was just thinking that you have pretty hands. :)


flewellyn July 11 2012, 20:09:42 UTC
Smooch is such an absurd looking poose.


naamah_darling July 11 2012, 20:43:00 UTC
He is. I never get tired of looking at his silly face. I adore my mashed-up kitty.


brightlotusmoon July 11 2012, 20:57:59 UTC
The photo of Smooch standing on the pirate chest and posing is my favorite. It's just so... Smooch Awesome.


naamah_darling July 11 2012, 22:04:23 UTC
Isn't he adorable? If I could just get him to wear a hat . . . totally Puss in Boots . . . 20 Years After, as a scarred old fighter with an eyepatch. <3

BTW, re: that post you linked me to, I haven't commented because I keep getting all teary and stopped-up every time I try. GOOD crying. I am SO GLAD. <3 TEARING UP AGAIN NOW JEEEZ.


brightlotusmoon July 11 2012, 22:22:25 UTC
LOL, OMG. That NEEDS to happen now. I don't care if you need to sneak up on him with a feathery hat!

Aw, honey. *HUGS* I myself am still at a real loss for words. I type words, but they don't say everything I really want to say, because... Buh. Because it's so hard to say what's going on in my head. It's like.... holy shit, this happened. This really happened, holy fucking gods, what what what what what. And in a few weeks, when I get the official letter and award and the money, it's going to start all over again and I will collapse back into a blithering mess.
I hope it happens for you. Seriously.


isabelknight July 11 2012, 21:33:32 UTC
They are so damn cute. I love Smooch's "Yeti Zombie" pose.


efamar July 11 2012, 22:04:16 UTC
I like the one of Smooch standing on the pirate chest best. "I say! Adventure!" (Also, this is perfect cat replica of the pose that Jorm insists on doing whenever we're hiking an find a large rock or cliff, so it made me laugh.)


naamah_darling July 11 2012, 22:10:42 UTC
*dies laughing*

Oh god.

*dies again*

Do you have pics of this? Because I think that is the most adorable thing I've heard in ages.

(Wasn't there one like that in the Ireland shots, or am I just imagining it so vividly because . . . because I can totally see him doing that?)


efamar July 11 2012, 22:17:08 UTC
Oh yes, we have many, many pictures of this. Not sure if there was one in Ireland or not . . . would have to look. But I'll try to find one. If only Smooch had had one little paw up to shield his eyes from the sun, it would be perfect.


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