Equilibrium. Sorta.

Oct 07, 2006 20:08

As previously reported, I've been taking kava kava to control my panic attacks and overall misery level, and it's been working really well. So well, in fact, that I stopped taking it a few weeks back. I'd only taken small doses twice in the past three weeks ( Read more... )

panic attacks, panic

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Comments 27

the_lizard_rat October 7 2006, 22:21:19 UTC
Sounds to me like someone needs more family time with Fish and company ;) You know, the good kind when she's not playing the "All humans are scratching posts!" game :P

Lizard Rat out.
Random in Albany NY


chocklit_frog October 7 2006, 23:23:19 UTC
Kava kava works wonders, truly. Hope it keeps up!

Homeopathic/naturopathic medicine all the way! I haven't been to a "real" doctor in years, to the dismay of my friends :)


greenjeanz October 7 2006, 23:37:58 UTC
I'm glad you're doing better and I feel the pain. As a kid I had panic attacks so bad I would freak out in the house because of something I read in a book, or saw on tv. Just that random.


elohim_of_death October 8 2006, 01:45:45 UTC
For curiosity's sake, where would one purchase kava?


naamah_darling October 8 2006, 04:35:38 UTC
Health food stores should sell both capsules and the extract, which is what I use. I get mine at Wild Oats.


pixxelpuss October 8 2006, 04:32:13 UTC
Glad things are going better. Kava Kava! Rah! Rah! Rah!

I've been reading the spotlighted book community on here, and its awesome. All manner of old YA books that I'd completely forgotten that I used to love...


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