Cat-Brides of Dracula

Jun 28, 2005 13:30


Let me tell you about Mathurin.

I got him on a trip to Georgia when I was just barely fourteen. The friend I'd gone to see met me in the Burger King, and produced a squirming, fuzzy bundle from beneath her striped shirt.

She knew I loved cats, see, and knew I loved black cats even better.

Let me tell you, I have seen some ugly kittens. ( Read on for tales of The Eater Of Heads. )

cats, mathurin

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Comments 89

I thank you. valeriana June 28 2005, 18:40:09 UTC
From the bottom of my twisted little black heart, for that story.

I really needed a laugh after my shitty day.

*wipes a tear* Thank you.


maryavatar June 28 2005, 18:40:33 UTC
'The Eater of Heads' *dies*

I have one of those too. We had a mouse problem, and a friend of ours was pregnant and wanted to find a home for two of her cats. Perfect. Or so I thought.

The first morning after we got them, I woke to hear Spawn #2 screaming DEADMOUSEARGHMUMMYMOUSIE! at the top of her voice. Sure though, one mouse on the bathroom floor sans head. There was another one on the stairs. And in the kitchen... two of them, one headless, one with just the top of his head bitten off and his brain missing. Plus a pile of vomit, with eyes.

Yep, vomit with eyes. Makes you glad to be a cat owner, doesn't it?


naamah_darling June 28 2005, 18:43:49 UTC

I fucking love having cats!



maryavatar June 28 2005, 18:48:40 UTC
I love my cats, but vomit with eyes I could cheerfully live without.

I have two special corpse-disposal shovels. One indoor shovel, one outdoor. And Sniff usually eats the whole victim, the headless ones only turn up when he's already full and rolls along thinking 'Oh God, ate too much again. But there's always room for brains!'


naamah_darling June 28 2005, 19:01:39 UTC
"There's always room for brains."

I like that.


amy_leone June 28 2005, 18:43:30 UTC
I had a cat I found when I was two, and I had him until I was twenty-two. When he got old and rickety, I discovered that turkey- either deli or shredded lunchmeat- with a little salt would tempt him to eat when nothing else would.


neadods June 28 2005, 18:44:40 UTC
My cubemates all want to know what the problem is since I've been making strangling noises of smothered hilarity ever since "Ia! Ia!"


missysedai June 28 2005, 18:49:04 UTC
Demon Kitty!!

So glad to hear he's doing better.


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