The cleanup tools I applied to the problem on the crew computer are STILL running. I've gone so far as to disconnect the CAT5 from the wall to keep the virii involved from downloading new copies of themselves on the fly
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One of the machines in the crew break room is FUBAR...someone downloaded something they shouldn't have and wound up installing "System Defender" on the machine. That particular piece of malware is nasty, and particularly difficult to eradicate
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I now have a complete Linux distribution running on my USB thumb drive...and it's bootable, and modifiable to save any changes I make to the system. How complete the distribution is, I have yet to find out, but I can at least fire up Firefox, which is more than I've been able to do with a couple of other distros I've tried booting either from the
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Looks like I'll be looking a lot closer at NewEgg for computer parts in the future. Or buying whole machines direct from Dell...who, as I recall hearing, will start selling their machines through Best Buy very soon. (Their boxen are already available at Staples.)
Something is screwed up in my firewall's blocking EVERYTHING, even when I tell it not to. And I can't get into it to change or reset any of the settings. Just to get online at all tonight, I had to completely disable it
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