Guess what I watched today?

Sep 01, 2013 23:14

I've been MIA for a while. Between graduate school, dealing with my emotional problems/eating disorder, and a hard-drive crash that zapped some fics I've been meaning to update...things haven't been going so well. This sadly means I had to start again on the last chapter of 5-0 First Dates.

However, I seem to be slowly regaining my mojo.

Exhibit A: I came up with another fusion fic today. Hope everyone enjoys.

Danny stomped angrily across the manicured lawn and up the large staircase, noting with some satisfaction that he was tracking dirt up the glaring white, marble steps.

“That's what you wear to your daughter's school?”

Danny stopped and turned. Rachel stood by the railing behind him, looking like a portrait as usual; perfectly framed by green leaves and Red Birds of Paradise flowers.

He sighed heavily and removed his gun holster to tuck it securely in his coat pocket.

“Look who's talking,” he answered back, pointedly staring down her plunging neckline.

With an unimpressed look, Rachel shrugged her wrap higher up her shoulders, and draped in a way that was modest but still highly fashionable.

“And as it so happens, I didn't have time to change,” Danny went on, “You see my ride never showed up, and I had to take public transportation.”

This time she had the decency to look mildly abashed, “I apologize, my appointment ran long.”

“Oh really? He not take his little pills ahead of time or are you just losing your touch?” he smirked, “So to speak.”

Rachel huffed at him in disgust.

Before she could say anything, however, their attention was turned to the corridor ahead and the white streak of blond hair racing down it, “Danno, Danno, Danno!”

“Monkey,” Danny squatted down as his daughter barreled into him.

“I missed you,” she said into his shoulder.

“Mmm, I missed you too,” he said holding her tightly enough to feel the sweet sensation of her heart beating through her back.

When father and daughter finally broke their embrace Rachel was standing off to the side, her face a blank mask as she tried not to show the hurt in her expression.

This time Danny felt bad.

“Go say 'hi' to your mother,” he nudged Grace.

“Hi, Mommy,” Grace raced over to throw her arms around her mother.

“Hello, Gracie,” Rachel embraced her back and kissed the top of their daughter's head.

She pulled back and pushed Grace's bangs out of her face, “You've gotten so big.”

“I have?” Grace smiled widely.

“Yes,” Rachel smiled at her, “I won't even recognize you soon.”

Grace laughed and the asked seriously, “Does that mean I'm old enough to travel with you and Danno?”

The warm smile faded from Rachel's face and she turned to Danny for help.

“So,” Danny broke in, “Pretty nice digs you've got here. You actually learning any thing at this fancy school?”

“Yes, Danno, we learn all kinds of things.”

“All kinds of things?” He asked, “Like what?”

“Well in the mornings we have reading. I can read almost a whole book!”

“Really?” he asked.

“That's wonderful, Darling,” Rachel encouraged.

“And then music and dance which are my favorite!” Grace exclaimed.

Danny laughed, “You don't get that from your old man.”

“Then just before lunch we go to etiquette class,” she went on and said with an overly serious expression for a child hr age, “Those are the worst! They're so boring!”

Rachel smirked and muttered under her breath, “That you DO get from your father.”

“Then after lunch we have calligraphy, then arithmetic, then at the end of the day we have recess where we learn games. Today we're learning tennis and it's really fun!”

“Wow! Tennis, huh?”

“Do you want to see me play?” Grace eagerly asked her parents.

“Of course,” Danny answered.

Rachel nodded along, “We'd love to.”

Grinning ear-to-ear Grace grabbed both of her parents hands and lead them down the marble corridor to the expansive back gardens.

The two watched for the next hour as their daughter ran around with other girls her age in a game that apparently involved swinging a racket to launch a ball over a barrier. The game was somewhat lost on him, so Danny just spent the time drinking in the sight of his baby girl.

After recess ended the girls were sent inside to change for dinner, and he and Rachel we're shown to what they called the Vistor's Dining Room. Apparently it was a special dining room where kids could have a meal in private with their parents who came to visit.

School staff members set out some positively succulent looking plates of food just as Grace skipped into the room wearing her prettiest dress.

Over dinner Grace recounted almost every minute of every day since their last visit.

The plates were removed at the end of the meal, and a tray of fancy tea and cakes was set out. Rachel poured out cups of tea, but Danny felt too ridiculous to attempt to pick up the fine china bowls. He'd probably just break them anyway.

He did, however, try one of the cakes and found it was like a chocolate piece of heaven.

Grace sat on his lap with a book she'd brought with her to show him how much she could read, and Rachel sat across the table taking small sips from her tea, and watching in comfortable silence.

Grace got through the book with only minimal help with certain words.

His little girl. So smart. Sure to be smarter than him frighteningly soon.

“Excuse me,” An instructor appeared at the door, “It's time for bed, Grace.”

Grace's mood instantly fell. She looked back and forth between her parents, “Will you be here tomorrow?”

Rachel suddenly found her teacup very interesting.

Danny shifted her on his knee, “Sorry, honey, but we have to leave tonight.”

Her eyes welled up. “I don't want you to go!” she grasped Danny and sobbed into his chest.

“Hey, hey, Monkey, don't cry,” he attempted to comfort her, glaring at Rachel over her head.

Rachel set her cup aside and rose.

“Sweetheart,” she said putting a comforting hand on Grace's back, “Your father and I have go now, but we'll come and visit you again soon.

“Noo,” her voice was muffled in Danny's shirt.

“Grace,” Rachel said, this time more firmly, “You know better than to act like this.”

Grace sat up sniffing her tears, “But I miss you so much.”

“I know you do. We miss you too, but we have to go work. And, in the mean time, we need you to be a good girl for us and mind your instructors.”

Grace sniffed again, “Promise you'll come back soon?”

“Of course we will,” Rachel assured her.

“You bet, Monkey,” Danny said.

With a few final tears Grace hugged both her parents before she allowed her teacher to lead her away to bed. Rachel and Danny were shown to the entry way where the school director thanked them for their visit, and gave them a brief update on her studies.

The two trekked across the front grounds in silence.

“She really has grown a lot. Next time I get the chance I'll need to buy her some new clothes,” Rachel remarked as they reached the gate.

“I'm sure she'll like that,” Danny said flatly.

Rachel sighed, “I know this isn't how you were raised, Danny, but it really is the best place for her. She'll get an impeccable education, and have all the opportunity in the world.”

“Uh huh,” Danny grunted as they arrived at Rachel's pod, “And space is no place to raise a kid.”

Rachel made no reply, instead she simply pressed the panel to open the door and walked inside.

“But how else could a guy like me be able to support one?” Danny said, basically to himself, as he followed her in.

The doors slid closed behind them, and Rachel sat down in the pilot's seat removing her wrap.

Danny slid into the co-pilot seat and turn on the comm.

“This is pod one, anyone copy?” he asked.

“We copy,” a voice said over the comm, “That you, Bossman?”

“Who the hell else would it be?” he answered irritably, “We're taking off. Rendezvous in 20 minutes.”

“Copy that. I'll let Fong know.”

“So what happened with this guy?” Danny asked, “Your regular on Oahu. What's his name again?”

“Stanley,” Rachel answered.

“Right, Stan. And what does he do?”

“Real estate.”

“Oh? Own buildings all over The Core?” Danny joked.

“Yes, actually, he does,” Rachel answered as she took the pod into the air, “He mostly travels for work, but he comes to Oahu on occasion to unwind.”

Danny smirked, “Oh I'll bet seeing how often he books 'appointments' with you.”

“He's one of my most kind and generous clients,” Rachel's said irritably. As the pod broke through the planet's atmosphere, she added, “Which is very fortunate for the sake of our daughter's tuition.”

Danny clenched his jaw. It was a low blow.

Luckily, however, they met up with the ship before he had the time to think of a comeback which would escalate things into a screaming argument.

Rachel grabbed his hand as he pushed himself out of the co-pilot seat, “Danny...I didn't mean that.”

“Right,” he nodded, extracted his hand from hers, and moved to leave the pod.

“Danny,” she called after him.

He turned at the door with a sigh, “It's fine, Rach.'s fine.”

Not wanting to see the sad expression her face, he left the pod and moved onto the bridge.

“You back, Brah?” Kamekona remarked, “It's about time!”

“Good to see you too,” Danny muttered. Kamekona grunted and thundered his bulk down the stairs. It was a wonder how the man stayed so big when they lived 10 months out of the year on protein rations, but he moved better than one would expect and was intimidating to have around in a fight.

Kono appeared next, hand-in-hand with Charlie Fong, “How was Grace?”

“What is this? Story time?” he asked.

Kono gave him a look, and he sighed relenting, “She was wonderful, amazing, brilliant. She's my kid, how could she not be?”

“Oh haha,” Kono mocked.

Charlie laughed along, draping his arm over Kono's shoulders and leaning against the railing.

“So Fong, you're looking relaxed there,” Danny said.

“Should I not be?” Charlie asked.

“I just thought maybe you'd like to...I don't know...get back to flying my ship?”

Kono and Charlie rolled their eyes in a very annoying, couplely way before Fong gave her a light peck goodbye and headed back to the cockpit.

“So are you okay?” Kono asked.

“I will be once someone explains to me what all this crap is in my cargo bay,” Danny changed the subject.

“Well some of it's cargo. I found someone who needed a courier. The rest belongs to the passengers,” Kono said.

“Passengers,” Danny groaned, “Wonderful.”

“You were the one who said we needed the money,” his second in command pointed out.

“Yeah, yeah. So who are they?”

“You'll find out soon enough at dinner,” she answered, “Should be a good one. Chin brought all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies from the abbey.”

“Chin?” Danny asked, “Chin's here?”

“Yeah, he decided to travel with us for a while,” Kono answered and looked at him, “You aren't mad about this are you? He's family.”

“I know that!” Danny sighed, “He's just never going to let me hear the end of it about Rachel.”

“Chin isn't going to judge you for your divorce,” she answered, following him down the stairs into the cargo area.

“Oh really?” Danny threw back, “Is it now not a sin?”

“Danny-” she started, but Danny was distracted by some movement among the piles of crates.

“Hey!” he ordered hand automatically going to his hip, forgetting that his gun was tucked away in his coat pocket, “Who the hell are you? What are you doing?”

The tall, lanky man stood up, “Oh um...I was just-”

“Danny!” a voice cut him off.

“You're back,” Lori walked over to them wiping her hands on a rag and smiling widely, “I see you've met Steve. He's one of our new passengers. Steve this is our captain, Danny Williams.”

“Pleased to meet you Captain Williams,” he man offered his hand.

Danny looked him up and down taking in his ridiculous pressed suit, wide-rimmed glasses, and general air of privilege. Everything about him spoke to a life where everything came easily.

“Likewise,” He said, and, with some personal disgust, put out his hand, and was mildly started to find the man had a stronger handshake than he'd expected. Their eyes met only briefly, but what Danny saw was enough to make him wonder if there was more to this Steve than he'd initially assumed.

“Welcome aboard,” Kono said, somewhat disinterestedly, but she was obviously at least trying to make an effort, “I believe my cousin has prepared dinner for everyone if we'd all like to head to the dining room.”

Lori smiled more widely, if that was possible, and slipped her hand lightly into the crook of Steve's arm, “It's right this way.”

Kono looked at Danny with a mild laugh after they were out of an earshot and muttered, “Looks like Lori has a little crush.”

Danny grunted in response, watching the two walk away thoughtfully.

“Are you coming?” Kono asked starting after them.

“Yeah,” he nodded, not even thinking to mention the fact that he'd already eaten.

Something in his gut was telling him to keep an eye on this new passenger...and he wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.


Yes, this is another open ended one shot. I just wanted to play with the 5-0 characters in another fandom's universe and it turned out pretty well, I thought.
What did everyone think?
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