[Ficlet] Blowing Bubbles

Mar 12, 2007 23:22

Title: Blowing Bubbles
Rating: G
Pairings: UraIshi (hinting at it?)
Summary: Ishida gets to carry out an unfulfilled childhood desire with Urahara's encouragement.
Notes: I totally stole this prompt from the Green Set of 7rainbowprompts. I'm just too self-conscious to actually apply there. XD It's short, but too long to be called a drabble.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to the genius KT. ♥

Ishida could remember one clear summer day when a light breeze caressed the town. He had been passing by the Shouten and had stopped to watch the two strange children that lived there run around with little plastic wands. Soap solution had left dark spots on the pavement as rainbow spheres wobbled and floated through the air.

He had envied them a little - he couldn’t remember ever having done such a thing himself when he was younger. Ishida wondered if it had shown on his face that day, for when Urahara had stepped out of the shop, he had gazed at him silently for a moment before walking over to grab his wrist.

“Wh-what are you doing, Urahara-san?” he had asked, confused when the man had dragged him over to the bowl filled with soapy water. Urahara had bent down to pick up a dripping wand and held it out to him.

“Take it.”

Ishida had complied, feeling his fingers grow slippery as they closed around the wet plastic. “Er…”

“Blow,” Urahara had said brightly, a grin stretching across his face as he reached down again to pick up a soapy stick for himself.

“Excuse me?”

“Blow, Ishida-kun! ♥” the shopkeeper had crooned before exhaling himself. The shimmering film stretched across the plastic circle had expanded slowly then closed off, sending a morphing shape of iridescent colour drifting off towards the road.

Ishida had stared at him then at the bubble that eventually touched the ground with an inaudible pop. He had felt a small smile touch his lips as he dipped the wand into the soapy liquid and had blown, releasing a stream of small bubbles. Urahara had laughed and had dunked his own wand again before racing after Ururu and Jinta, his black jacket flaring out behind him. A faint sense of gratitude had welled up within Ishida as he had watched in amusement.

He didn’t think he would ever forget that day.

A/N: lol I have no idea what made me write this. I think I just felt like writing about pretty bubbles. But kirstian seemed to like it, so I decided to post it. XD

X-posted to uraishi

uraishi, fanfic

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