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Comments 6

bookishy May 26 2009, 17:22:45 UTC
I think it's gotten to the point where I just ignore Robin's inconsistancy altogether, although I loved the point you made about why he loves Richard so much when Richard obviously is the reason he had all of his Holy Land trauma.

They did have that line about the Moors being whizzes at embalming, but you're right; the body plot just didn't work. an_lagat_glas made the point that there would have been a much more complicated process to crowning too, including waiting to see if Richard's wife were pregnant, etc.


mythopathy May 27 2009, 20:59:19 UTC
Richard obviously is the reason he had all of his Holy Land trauma
Why are we even trying to portray Guy as the one that underwent parental abuse? Clearly Robin is the canon case here.


(The comment has been removed)

an_lagat_glas May 27 2009, 02:00:25 UTC
I kind of want to write a fic where Robin is a stalker and that's really the reason that Richard sent him away from the Holy Land (and him). Because, seriously.


mythopathy May 28 2009, 07:25:00 UTC
Look I can accept that Much is a peasant but he's obviously been friends with Robin for ages, he must have had some of Robin's training, and education most likely.

Anyway no, I don't believe they're thinking his character at all. My bet is that they're preparing Much to die so that Rob can belatedly realise what he's lost, regret, grieve, hate himself etc etc etc.


an_lagat_glas May 27 2009, 02:04:32 UTC
It would have been interesting to see Guy living outside the law in a way that would involve some despair and frustration. See how he would cope with the ground as a bed, whether he'd start shotting at deer and stuff, some contemplation, something. Indeed show, since we only watch you for RA, why don't you do us the favour and portray him as human?

This, exactly. And I fully support #20.

Oh, and if you're going for historically accurate, no one cared about diamonds until Louis XIV. Bah.


mythopathy May 28 2009, 06:48:03 UTC
Diamonds pffft... It's COAL!:P


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