21 things about The King Is Dead, Long Live The King

May 26, 2009 17:32

1.  Exactly what did Much do while in the Holy Lands? One would think he only ever cooked desert rodent stew for Robin and not have his effing back in battle!

2. Why why why Robin do you love the man as the king when the king has done nothing to prove he's king other than make you kill women and children in Acre?

3.  Wouldn't a dead body (even a royal one) stink if left untreated (ice? mummification? dunno) for how many months it took it to get to England? Tsk tsk PJ, you didn't think the oh-so-impenetrable-plot through!

4.  Aw PJ has mommy issues. It's like an AU Lion in Winter! Adorkable!!!!!

5.  Squee! Oily hair is back! Guy hasn't washed in days again! Oh wait, is that bad?

6.  Errr, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say valerian root doesn't quite work that fast even right into the blood stream.

7.  "Alright I will compromise. I will use rubies instead of diamonds." PJ you are the pizzazz. They should make webisodes of you. A comic strip even!

8.  Ooh medieval security system uses ropes instead of lasers? That's like, omg show however did you come up with that? It's BRILLIANT! See my eyes go round with awe and WONDER!

9.  "Wait! I'm sure another [crown] can be made if need speed. I know the design by heart." Love in posterity is everything Johnny! Don't mind them! FT medieval W! WE LOVE YOU!

10.  OMG bondage sex scene in which an unidentified generic female character gets to have her wicked way with helplessly aroused Guy coming right up! No-- wait-- Dammit writers!

11.  "If I'm disfigured on my coronation.." Comic strip. Srsly.

12.  And thank old man Sheridan for stating the obvious. Robin however, is too deeply in love with King Dick to care.

13.  There was going to be a small speech here concerning PJ being the rightful heir and a kid named Arthur but if the show doesn't bother neither will I.

14.  Maybe if Much took off his godawful cap once in a while then Kate would fall for his magnificent brow? But she's obviously blind because HULLO? Allan's dimples keep flashing towards her direction?

15.  How exactly the battle-wary knight trainer suddely forgot how to tie a dangerous prisoner's hands behind his EFFING BACK?! *frustrated tears*


17.  My my what a tall guard. How interestingly post-less he is.

18.  Robin you are the most consistent person to live on that show! You want the psychopathic amoral prince to rule the country while the real king is away but do only made him look like a fool as many times as possible. You make ssso much sense.

19.  If Guy has drawn Izzy's blood and Robin Guy's, are they like damned for all eternity? (and omg let's totes not forget about menstruating women and churches)

20.  Yay for Notts castle turning into a nightclub with cage dancing! No no no Guy, Hugh Jackman called dibs on growling and leaning menacingly on cage walls first. But YES!

21.  Fuck you Robin Hood for giving jewelery to the Church instead of stealing it from it. Joking doesn't make it right.

All in all, PJ and Guy kinda make up for the 42 minutes of fail. It would have been interesting to see Guy living outside the law in a way that would involve some despair and frustration. See how he would cope with the ground as a bed, whether he'd start shotting at deer and stuff, some contemplation, something. Indeed show, since we only watch you for RA, why don't you do us the favour and portray him as human?

Edit: OK, 20 things about The King is Dead, Long Live the King. My apologies and my thanks to you who caught my mistake.

robin hood, bitching

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