Oh right! The RH premiere!

Mar 30, 2009 22:34

I was out of internet this weekend. I woke up today needing my fix and having the nagging thought I should download something. Which should be preposterous because I'd already downloaded last week's Grey's, Lie to me, GG, and 30 rock (no House grr). I load my friends page and everywhere it's Robin Hood review, Robin Hood premiere RH this and that. ( Read more... )

robin hood, gg, bitching

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Comments 8

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mythopathy March 30 2009, 20:27:02 UTC
If your OTP really worked in the fanon that's great because after awhile the authors can lose inspiration or interest. I'm mostly referring to the denial part. Seeing one half of your OTP happily married and breeding like a rabbit can be a turn off.

I love AU! For me it's what fanon and fanfiction is all about!


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mythopathy March 30 2009, 20:37:55 UTC
I didn't read that part in the comics (I only get an issue or two occasionally to keep up) what about that? I mean CABLE is their SON! How dare he?


stormsandsins March 30 2009, 21:30:19 UTC
I'm betting Bart's alive, too. No live car accident, no open casket... Something smells fishy!


mythopathy March 30 2009, 21:36:40 UTC
I know right?!?!?! I'm still thinking: Dude how can one fake a death in the UES in our times? but nothing else makes sense! They wouldn't kill off Bart without some gossip reel firing up about the actor quitting the series right?


stormsandsins March 30 2009, 21:42:37 UTC
I'm not sure it was with you or someone else that I discussed this, but I'm betting he ran away with that whore who sold her list to Elle-that-never-happened. As to how he faked his death... hmm... good question.


mythopathy March 30 2009, 22:02:37 UTC
No it wasn't me. Interesting concept though. I sort of figured he would kill two birds with one stone: make a man out of Chuck and, catch Lily cheating on him. Uh ehrrm I haven't given it much thought:P


an_lagat_glas March 31 2009, 01:57:09 UTC
You ship Draco/Ginny, Blair/Chuck, AND Guy/Marian? ♥♥♥

It's kind of weird at the moment. On one hand, I'm still totally into writing G/M, both FW and new stuff. On the other hand, I'm starting to imagine stories where Marian is actually dead. A very little, and mostly involving sex with Allan. But anyways, it's a strange duality at the moment. I'm interested to see how my feelings progress as this season does.

And OMG #3 irritates me so much! Anyone who wasn't an idiot would know that the #1 resource in an agriculturally based society (aside from land) is people--and they have to be healthy enough to work. Come on, writers!


mythopathy March 31 2009, 14:43:46 UTC
I knowww! I can't sympathize with the peasants for that precise reason; it's too unrealistic to ingest so I just block it out!

You've thought of plots about G/A yet?
I've only had a scene come through where Allan screams at a weeping Guy for killing Marian. But I'm not sure I'll dwell on it. My mind only allows me to go in one direction. If I start following the new season I won't be able to 'live' in the story arc I've made up and I'll just quit..


an_lagat_glas March 31 2009, 15:49:01 UTC
Not really plots, but a situation where they have what is basically comfort sex. I don't know if it'll go anywhere, we'll see : )


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