Oh right! The RH premiere!

Mar 30, 2009 22:34

I was out of internet this weekend. I woke up today needing my fix and having the nagging thought I should download something. Which should be preposterous because I'd already downloaded last week's Grey's, Lie to me, GG, and 30 rock (no House grr). I load my friends page and everywhere it's Robin Hood review, Robin Hood premiere RH this and that. Yah. I'm a bit late. So did I like it? Just as much as any RH episode without G/M action..

What Has Sara (that's me) Observed In Robin Hood's Season 3 Premiere
A list

1. RA is half blind. He's spent the entire episode flipping the hair off his face. Slightly absurd. Hope this doesn't continue throughout the season. And oh! the sight of his butt in the black tights. A true work of art.
2. Sheriff not so silly. V. calm, almost austere and creepier which was good. Then Tuck went Connecticut Yankee on his ass and all was ruined.
3. I know the writers are trying to emphasize the good Rob is doing for the English people but seriously? If the Sheriff was taking from his serfs in that rate for the five years(?) he's been a Sheriff then there wouldn't be any serfs left. Tactics employed by only pacts of wolves, locusts and pirates aren't meant be long-term. It AIN'T REALISTIC folks!
4. I miss Marian. I am going to die of testosterone overdose. I doubt Kate will change this. Have you seen her face?!?
5. Tuck is interesting. He's changed the gang's dynamic and I'm sensing conflict. He doesn't seem the type to follow Rob's orders.
6. Guy? I don't know I can't think. I can't feel for him that's the problem. In my head Marian's still alive! But, is he supposed to look so dashing and theatrical? The bit at the Dead Man's crossing was v. amusing.. And the bit where Guy and Little John trade places and Guy goes Samson. He even has the hair!
7. Uhh.. can't remember anything else. Ooh from the next episode preview, Allan's face when Kate introduces herself: priceless!
8. Rob's still full of shit.

In expectation of this week's Gossip Girl (no! I cannot not say anything!):
I am taking bets. I'm betting Bart Bass is still alive and will appear in the season finale. Seriously. Bets.

Okay, now I have to read and respond to my f-list's reviews! But, I have a question: What does it feel like for you O! Guy/Marianites to tread a path which only the Draco/Ginnyans have dared tread before? AU is a beautiful thing innit?

robin hood, gg, bitching

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