Please don't pay me any attention. It's probably some vitamin deficiency ..

Mar 24, 2009 18:53

Woohoo Gossip Girl was fuuuuun this week and I am ever more anxious for next week not so much for the spoiled-like-hell NB kiss but because of the promo, cause you know it's fun when couples switch.

Reasons why GG was fun this week:
1. Chuck is still a sleazy creep even when he's trying to win his B queen back (lick her wounds? seriously? <3)
2. Lily's dated Slash AND Trent Reznor. I had to pause and LOL here. The funny thing about this is that when I LOL I actually LOL, as in bellow with laughter. And it's rather insane so cheers for privacy.
3. My Sweet Dreams is canon. I should be writing for the show dammit!
4. THE POP CULTURE REFERENCES! When the little girl with the virginal nightgown opened the door Chuck said: 'Polanski's in town.' (Also cracked me up). Or rock culture, either way. Because Slash and Trent! Woot!
5. Dan got beaten up during touch football. Mwaha
6. Dorota has an outburst in Polish. I want to think she called Chuck a gorgeous piece of man-flesh. But she probably just defended her not-bribed honour or smth.

Now about those spoiler pics that traverse the net about E25. I have some questions
1. Why would Leighton Meester take her boyfriend at the set of a scene during which she has to kiss repeatedly and a lot two different boys? Is poor Seb jealous? Awwww..
2. Why are Leighton and Ed having so much fun kissing? Part of the scene? Very likely. But they're also gushing with glee at the crew as well.
3. At some backstage footage of the kissing scene Leighton wipes her mouth sort of playfully disgusted after kissing Ed. Very awkward moment (How long did the director have them kissing?). And,
4. Ed is also nervous and he keeps pushing his immaculate hair back. Perhaps he was (or both of them were) having a really good time?
5. Why am I being bitchy??

And to prove how positively weird I am being: RPF with Ed and Leighton about said scene.

Dammit House, if you were on I could gush over you and not GG! And, Dammit Robin Hood, why are you going to be totally lacking proper female leads?

incoherence, chuck n blair, gg, i fic therefore i am, bitching

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