15 things on Merlin: The Last Dragonlord

Dec 23, 2009 02:31

Oh Merlin. How long will I have to wait till season 3? And my Xmas wish is for Katie McGrath's career to be at a standstill so we can has more Morgana who was seriously lacking in the S02 finale. Okay I don't really wish for that.. or maybe a little... I JUST WANT MORE MORGANA IN ANY WHICH WAY ALRIGHT? Ditto for Morgause. She was way too awesome to ( Read more... )

merlin, rl, spoiler, tv

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Comments 4

an_lagat_glas December 23 2009, 03:06:10 UTC
It was kinda bad for a finale but a good episode.

That's a really good summary. I do think there was some progress made relationship-wise--Uther basically stopped trying to tell Arthur what to do, and it seemed to me that Merlin & Arthur continue to move towards being equal. That said, def not enough Morgana, and the holding pattern is getting a bit annoying. I was convinced Merlin would have to reveal his magic after Balinor died (was that predictable or was that predictable) but, sigh. It would probably be less annoying if they had more than like 3 stock plots they keep recycling.

I really hope that Morgana (& Morgause!) gets a decent amount of screen time next series, now that she's not in the castle any more. And there was some line about the dragon being compelled to do what a dragon lord said, which I think is why he just . . . left.


mythopathy December 23 2009, 12:14:10 UTC
I don't mind the dragon leaving, he kinda deserves some freedom, but lashing out on Camelot and then cowering at Merlin's dragonlordiness was a tad annoying as if yet another intelligent creature needs a man to tell them how to behave; or that Uther comes out right at having 'the dragon penned'.

And the Merlin/Arthur relationship just went full circle back to their season one finale closeness kthx deja vu. But Uther/Arthur YES, that was touching and long awaited.


snowystingray December 24 2009, 04:05:05 UTC
But he should stop using his eyelids like pain-weighing scales.

This is probably the greatest most spot-on description I have heard of Merlin, like, ever. It's so frustrating because, like you, for the better half of the season I have found myself going JUST STOP LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING, MERLIN, YOU'RE NOT PROTECTING YOURSELF OR ARTHUR OR CAMELOT OR MAGICDOM OR WHATEVER, YOU'RE JUST MAKING EVERYTHING FIFTY TIMES WORSE -- but then he does his irresistibly pathetic "woe woe the weight of the world is on my shoulders and nobody understaaaands me and I just want Gaius to tuck me into bed and read me a story" and I'm immediately like, d'awwww Merlin I just want to hug you. He plays me for a sucker!


mythopathy December 29 2009, 23:29:07 UTC
No, Merlin/Colin Morgan is really a delight. He can pull off stuff I probably wouldn't stand from another actor. I'm.. actually considering Merlin to be tragic for lying despicable lies to oh-so-noble-and-shit Arthur when he is so obviously in the wrong and just...aaaargh! Seriously if they dare take the Merlin/Arthur relationship to the master-servant status of the beginning of both seasons I'll be...so mad while watching!


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