Title: Reason 44: Wingman Diving on the Friend Grenade
Series: 50 Reasons To Have Sex
mystic7194Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Spoilers:Episode 1.1 (but seriously if you haven’t seen 1.1 what are you doing reading fanfiction)
Pairing: Sherlock/John ; Mycroft/Lestrade
Length:632 words
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Summary: In one of the episodes of How I Met Your Mother the character create a list of 50 reasons to have sex. So I’ve written a fic for every reason. The fics are mostly slash and are from several different fandoms including (but not limited to) BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Grimm, and Glee. Most fics stand alone.
In this chapter Sherlock plays his brother’s wingman and meets an interesting ex-soldier.
Masterpost Now containing a part B with implied sex. AN: Originally this was a Supernatural AU where Sam drags Dean on a date with Meg and her roommate (Cas) using pie as a bribe. Then Dean has sex with/starts a relationship with virgin!Cas while Meg ties Sam up and steal his wallet. But it wasn’t coming together so instead I wrote this Sherlock AU with Mystrade and Johnlock.
Sherlock's eyes survey the pub as if he's expecting something to have changed in the 5 minutes since he last looked. Is it too much to ask that one of the 58 people (59 now, a widowed nanny just walked in) in the pub be something other than dull? 17 people are here looking for one night stands, 7 people are cheating on their significant others, 5 people are going through divorces, 3 people are sleeping with a co-worker, 1 man is beginning to regret quitting his job, 12 people are thinking about quitting their jobs, 3 people were recently fired, and 1 rugby player is in love with his straight teammate. Dull. There's a girl out with some friends who accidentally ran over her neighbor's cat last week and buried it in the bushes but that's hardly something to alert Scotland Yard about.
For the 7th time in the last 15 minutes Sherlock thinks about leaving. Mycroft, sitting across from him in their corner booth, clears his throat and looks up from his phone to give his brother a disapproving look. Mycroft is right of course. There's no way Sherlock is going to give up the chance to have Mycroft owe him a favor (even a favor with some attached conditions). He'll endure playing his brother's wingman on his first date with the admittedly not completely idiotic detective inspector for access to a few crime scenes.
The consulting detective even agreed to try not to piss off his own date too quickly. Honestly, Sherlock will consider the night a victory if he makes it home without being punched in the face.
It’s then that their dates enter. Mycroft freezes mid-text as he catches sight of the graying police officer. Mycroft does his best to appear completely in control but Sherlock can see through the façade. His brother is a master at manipulating the people around him into doing whatever he wants but when it comes to dealing with someone as an equal and trying to make them actually like him Mycroft is completely out of his element.
The detective inspector is followed by a small, brown-haired man with a limp who Sherlock assumes to be his own date.
“Sorry we’re late,” the older man says when the pair reaches their booth. “Traffic was worse than I expected. I’m...” He reaches out his hand to Sherlock.
“Detective Inspector Lestrade,” Sherlock finishes for him. Lestrade looks confused so Sherlock explains. “You arrested me once.”
“Did I?” Lestrade asks. “Nothing serious I hope.”
“No, just youthful indiscretions,” Mycroft interjects before Sherlock can answer. He tries to change the subject. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” Mycroft directs this comment to Lestrade’s companion. Sherlock suppresses a snort. As if not having formally met someone would keep Mycroft from knowing everything about them, from their primary school GPA to their shoe size.
“I’m John Watson,” the small man says, shaking each of the Holmes’ hands in turn.
“I am Mycroft Holmes and this is my brother Sherlock.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” John says as he shakes Sherlock’s hand. When Sherlock doesn’t return the sentiment an awkward silence e stretches between them.
“Why don’t Gregory and I procure us some drinks,” Mycroft offers. Mycroft and Lestrade head to the bar leaving Sherlock alone with John.
“So, Afghanistan or Iraq?”
“Sorry?” John is confused by the question.
“Which was it, Afghanistan or Iraq?”
“Afghanistan, how did you know?” Sherlock explains how he deduced it and all the other things he could deduce about the ex-soldier. He gets an unexpected reaction.
“That’s fantastic.”
“That’s not what people normally say,” Sherlock states.
“What do people normally say?” John asks.
“Piss off,” when John lets loose an unrestrained laugh Sherlock realizes that this will be much more interesting than he thought.
Now containing a part B with implied sex. AN: I’ve already promised to expand the pregnant!Cas/Destiel baby story and the Famous!Kurt story but are there any other stories I’ve written (I’m mostly thinking about the 50 Reasons series but if there’s something else please tell me) that you’d like to see expanded? Tell me in the comments. I’m trying to finish this up soon but I have two projects due this week and an exam next week. Comments keep me motivated please leave me one.
Reason 45 should be a Grimm chapter. It’ll hopefully be up by tomorrow.