Title: Reason 26: Celebrating the joy of life after a near-death experience
Series: 50 Reasons To Have Sex
mystic7194Fandom: Grimm
Spoilers: None
Pairing: Nick/Monroe
Length: 283 words
Rating: PG
Warning: references to violence, implied sex
Summary: In one of the episodes of How I Met Your Mother the character create a list of 50 reasons to have sex. So I’ve written a fic for every reason. The fics are mostly slash and are from several different fandoms including (but not limited to) BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Grimm, and Glee. Most fics stand alone.
In this chapter Nick and Monroe nearly die which makes Monroe realize how much it would suck if Nick died before Monroe confessed his attraction.
Masterpost “Holy shit,” Monroe declares loudly as he collapses onto his couch. ““I can’t believe we made it out of that fight with all our limbs still attached.”
“Yeah. That Dickfellig nearly tore my arm of,” Nick responds with a relieved laugh as he joins Monroe on the couch . Both Blutbad and Grimm are still riding the adrenalin high from the fight against the gang of half-a-dozen wesen drug smugglers.
“Then he probably would have beaten me to death with it,” Monroe chuckles.
“This is becoming a bit of a habit,” Nick jokes. “It seems like we’re faced with imminent death on a weekly basis.”
Monroe realizes how close Nick is sitting. Nick is so close that Monroe can hear the Grimm’s heartbeat, which is still elevated from the fight. As he listens to its rabid *thump* *thump* *thump*, he realizes how close that heart came to never beating again. It was far from the first time Nick had run that risk, hell it wasn’t even the first time Nick had nearly died this month- and it was only the 15th. He can't let his friend die. He’s known for a while that he’s in love with the Grimm but so far he’s been too big a chicken to tell him. It would suck if Nick died before he had the courage to admit his feelings.
“Monroe?” Nick interrupts Monroe’s thoughts. Nick has his concerned gaze fixed on the Butbad and he’s still sitting much too close. Monroe could just lean over and kiss him. But he really shouldn’t.
‘Oh fuck it,’ Monroe thinks. ‘We only live once.’
He presses his lips to Nick’s.
“It’s about time,” Nick mutters before enthusiastically kissing back.
AN: This chapter is kind of short. I hope you like it anyway. Please leave me a review.