fic: Ritual (58): Possession

Jul 20, 2009 22:09

Title: Ritual (58): Possession
Pairing: (Sylar)Nathan/Peter
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Through 3.25 "An Invisible Thread", end of Volume 4
Word count: about 5500
Warnings: see pairing and rating; dubcon; sadomasochistic themes; angst. No happy fluffy good times here.
Summary: Everything between them feels different now; the love and the lust that ( Read more... )

petrellicest, fic, angst, sylar, nc-17, nathan, peter, ritual

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Comments 32

xanatosdecrion July 21 2009, 06:33:35 UTC
This fusion of Sylar!Nathan scares me even more now in this Ritual than it did in the last. His behavior here, waking in the morning with his shiny, new toy at his side (Peter), with him marveling at his toy; the boyish-giddiness almost was just...creepy as shit. LOL. Even if I didn't know the history of Sylar!Nathan, if I knew only the history of Nathan Petrelli, his characteristics/traits/etc., I'd still find this odd, if not disturbing, but to a fault. I suppose "Nathan" 'could' be in a happy mood, happy to have Peter to 'play with'..........I suppose. LOL.

With that said, this update was great. I'm feeling the creepy, the discomfort, the sadistic nature that is SYLAR, I feel it, see it and it scares the shit out of me. From molestation to borderline abuse, I don't like how this 'new kid' treats his 'toys'. And neither does Peter. "Instinctively" (I'll just borrow Sylar!Nathan's word) and say that Peter knows somethingis wrong, wrong, wrong!

"I won't demand anything that you can't handle. But just remember - you made me bleed. ( ... )


mystery_sock July 21 2009, 19:24:20 UTC
Awesome comments (as usual)!

This fusion of Sylar!Nathan scares me even more now in this Ritual than it did in the last.
Good. That means I did my job.

Sylar has no issue with using Peter's guilt to garner a reaction.
He knows how things work - and he remembers that it's very easy to manipulate Peter through guilt. I can't go too much further with this story arc without running into the canon wall, but we saw throughout Season 3 that actually, Peter is NOT so easily manipulated through guilt anymore. If you want to manipulate Pete now, you use his righteous anger - which, like everything with Pete, isn't incredibly well thought-through! :) But Sylar wasn't there for a lot of it - and Nathan wasn't either, so that tactic will undoubtedly backfire. (And I hope to god that the show's writers understand that factor.)

And in this I feel sorry for Sylar; like truly sorrow for him. I view him now as a hollow soul occupying foreign territoryAgain, good - I did my job. He is at peace only when he is "no one". He needs love so very much, but ( ... )


xanatosdecrion July 21 2009, 06:33:48 UTC
And also the fact that Nate's so willy-nilly ready to get back to work is both 'natural', but not natural at the same time. Peter kept telling him, 'you have a concussion, you need to rest', but this is Sylar!Nathan and Sylar!Nathan has healing faculties so I'm quite sure five minutes (or even less) after he was clocked over the head by Nathan! he was healed again; so going back to work is no biggie....but Peter notices this. Just another observation, something more tangible to add to the feelings I'm sure Pete's experiencing in regards to his 'brother'.

And again I am saddened.

One last thing and I'll shut up. The cum. *big grin* Is that some kind of catalyst to stimulate memory? Maybe on an unspeakable level, as Nathan doesn't exactly verbalize this.

...the flavor of his issue. It was bitter indeed; without even a hint of sweetness, the taste corrupt and unpleasantly lingering. He knew and acknowledged this. Peter's come was palatable and fascinating, his pure and loving essence; Nathan's own was heavy and over-complex and ( ... )


mystery_sock July 21 2009, 19:49:18 UTC
Sylar!Nathan has healing faculties
Notice he doesn't even have a bump on his head when he first wakes up; he MAKES it reappear by thinking it should be there.

it shouldn't seem such a stretch for him to analyze his release; yet to examine it thusly
And guess what? SYLAR doesn't like the taste! It's just not something he wants, and no, besides the kind of self-experimentation that pretty much everyone does (don't they?) he'd never tasted semen before. He knows that he SHOULD like it, and he remembers loving it and fetishizing it, but... he doesn't like it and he doesn't want it. There's a detail in an earlier story where Peter remarks that Nathan will taste his own cum, just to have tasted it; it doesn't seem like real sex to him unless he tastes it from somebody. And Sylar!Nathan almost blew it and revealed himself last night; it was the thing that more than anything let Peter know that something is seriously wrong.

I'm glad it worked!


xanatosdecrion July 21 2009, 21:02:25 UTC
I recall that detail, now. Yes. Thanks so much for clarifying. This was an excellent post lady :) Truly enjoyed it. Keep 'em coming; I need to be prepped for this new season.


mystery_sock July 21 2009, 23:57:23 UTC
I just want next season to have thought about the material as much as I have... which is, unfortunately, probably impossible. *sigh* It's too much to ask to make Heroes into a delicately insightful psychological drama. It's not as though I don't want to watch Claire rip herself into jillions of pieces, or for Hiro to blip in and out of time, or for Peter to fly around and/or blow shit up occasionally, but it's NOT too much to ask to have a smart, compelling show about PEOPLE with abilities (and massive creepy global conspiracies and murders and angst and waffles and really cute belted overcoats from Banana Republic).



even_dusk_fades July 21 2009, 08:58:20 UTC
Oh, my God. I can't stop freaking out over this. It's so perfect! More of Sylar's personality is bleeding into Nathan's memories, so he's started to speak in a more Sylar-esque, nonsensical fashion, which is both extremely hot and extremely disturbing.

And Peter definitely senses that something's horribly wrong now, but he's so idealistic and determined that, yes, he has Nathan back now, Goddamnit, that he's willing to go with the flow until he knows what's going on ( ... )


mystery_sock July 21 2009, 19:58:58 UTC
The thing that made this so hard to get into was not the darkness and angst - though that was a factor - it was trying to blend Sylar's speech patterns with Nathan's, and make it seem both natural and yet not quite right - and not so obviously "not right" as to paint Peter as a clueless slut who will fuck anything Nathan-shaped. Because he DOES everything right; he knows things and remembers things that no one else possibly could. But there are many, many, many things wrong; and to try to make those subtle was kind of a pain in the ass at first. But then I hit my stride!

The scene where Nathan is dressing and Sylar's ability to recall exactly where every item of clothing came from gave me goosebumps!
I tried to sneak in as many of Sylar's abilities as I could - but nothing so overt that it would be something that !Nathan would notice. I don't get to write about abilities nearly often enough!

I'm very glad you liked it! That makes me happy.


even_dusk_fades July 22 2009, 03:02:51 UTC
Oooh, I can imagine! They have two very different ways of speaking, so combining Nathan's more direct speech with Sylar's lilting rambles... that takes talent, which you have a lot of. Yeah, I definitely don't think Peter would fuck anything Nathan-shaped, but right now he's willing to overlook the not-quite-rightness of him because he wants him back. You definitely hit your stride!

Hee! Well, you'll get to write about them a lot now if you stay in the timeline's present. :D


mystery_sock July 22 2009, 04:50:18 UTC
They have two very different ways of speaking, so combining Nathan's more direct speech with Sylar's lilting rambles... that takes talent, which you have a lot of.
And really, I have to give it up to the Pasdar, because he performs Sylar so perfectly. Oddly enough I actually finished writing this story before the ultimate research of watching "Five Years Gone", wherein we have our first taste of what's to come. I should watch that again! I love that episode! ;) His performance so beautifully delineated the differences in their speech patterns and facial expressions; Sylar is a lot more sharklike, more reptilian; he STARES. And he's just as bitchy, if not more - but in his own specific way. Also! Watch Jack Coleman's "performance of Sylar" in the second-to-last episode of Season 3 - he does the saucy head-waggle and everything. Jack Coleman is making fun of Sylar. Adrian Pasdar becomes him.

Well, you'll get to write about them a lot now if you stay in the timeline's present.Yeah, I hope so. I might retreat into the safe, happy early ( ... )


anths_girl July 21 2009, 17:02:41 UTC
Oh holy...I have no words.This is just...WOW.The imagery of it all - I literally SAW every expression on Peter's face.

I'm seriously speechless.I know this is dark,and all,and is probably not easy to write...but PLEASE tell me you have more along these lines coming?I admit,I'm a sucker for angst!

Great,GREAT job!You rule!


mystery_sock July 21 2009, 20:00:31 UTC
I sure do hope to write more along these lines, but I'm already afraid to get too elaborate - the new season is probably going to wreck it all! I'll feel a bit more confident once I've seen the S4 preview at ComicCon (and I will not sling spoilers, though I'm sure everyone else will!)

Hope you're enjoying the books! ;)


callisto24 July 21 2009, 20:43:19 UTC
OMG! You make me so happy with this. No time to read it now, but I'll come back to it as soon as possible. :)))))


mystery_sock July 21 2009, 23:33:01 UTC
I hope you enjoy it... I think I did OK!


callisto24 July 22 2009, 18:27:34 UTC
Oh dear! And how I enjoyed it.
Like Nathan described Peter : terrible and beautiful .
Absolutely brilliant. You made me completely addicted with Season3-Ritual.
I sensed a small moment of fear when Nathan's inner Sylar showed up for the first time ( Because I'm not quite ready to accept Sylar as Nathan. I'm still in denial and convinced that real Nathan will win over, or will show up after having been frozen in the company - basemant. I can deal with a mixture of Nathan and Sylar, but not with Sylar getting in control *shudders* )

So this really was amazing to read. The darkness, the fear, the worry seen through Peter's 'aged' (Thanks for this) eyes. Just wow.
Now I love Nathan and I'm scared of him (haven't been before - never - and I so like it *gg*). (Besides I'm wondering what goes on in Peter's head. I'm suspicious about his suspicions.)

To stop myself my favorite quote:

Because you're not perfect. You can't save everyone. But you can save me.


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