disinters, and all new arrivals.
What: The new arrivals get their first experience of their new environment.
Where: Drawing room, the old Dixon house.
When: October 1st 1928, not long after midnight.
Rating and Warnings: PG?
Notes: If you haven’t read the OOC game start info, you can find it
Human bodies are heavy. Never so heavy as when they’re dead weight. )
No, this one was different, and the fact that he felt lighter, and it's not just because his head is a little hazy (though that's a little panic-inducing, too; a sedative, perhaps?) that he's a little unnerved. While he doesn't normally brag about his skills, it really does take a while to tank a soldier down, especially one who's been highly familiar with the anomaly and its monsters as he have. Bottom line: he shouldn't have been easily kidnapped and disarmed.
Best to be composed, he thought. No sense panicking. A hostage situation with the ( ... )
And there was the occult to deal with, too ...
"Of course, we'll need information regarding our enemies, if we are to stay and remain alive."
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