disinters, and all new arrivals.
What: The new arrivals get their first experience of their new environment.
Where: Drawing room, the old Dixon house.
When: October 1st 1928, not long after midnight.
Rating and Warnings: PG?
Notes: If you haven’t read the OOC game start info, you can find it
Human bodies are heavy. Never so heavy as when they’re dead weight. )
"Well, we'll figure out a way to ... work around the townspeople, I suppose, when the time demands for it. Preferably soon, yes? We don't know how many are going to arrive, still." Becker almost said 'silence the townspeople'. He's rather proud having all this tact. Only Captain Becker, man. "Ah. Pardon me. I am Captain Becker, though times being what they are, I suppose just Becker would be fine."
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