H-50 & Lion King Crossover PicSpam Pt 3

Feb 10, 2012 17:18

Part 3 of my Hawaii Five 0 & Lion King crossover picspam coming at you! This one focuses a little more on the characters and who I see them as being. Some are obvious, some required a little more thought, but overall, I'm happy with how it came out. :D


1) First up, we have none other than Simba!Steve. The similarities... I mean, not just in personality either. They both struggled with who they were at a young age and as they grew, and nobody could argue that Steve didn't get into some harrowing spots as a boy too. They lost their fathers and that became a big part of who they were.

2) Ah Danny. The offsider. Aka Zazu. He was responsible for keeping his charge in line and Danny fell into the same role with Steve, albeit that wasn't his choice but thankfully he has a moral compass that won't let Steve run around blowing anything and everything up.... most of the time.

3) Kono and Nala are just bad ass. They were both always up for getting into whatever hair brained schemes Simba and Steve could come up with. Plus they've got that cheeky, girls rule attitude that makes them absolutely one and the same. Plus that grin! Deny it if you dare!

4) Cheeky Rafiki!Chin is cute. This has to be my absolute favorite comparison of the characters. Chin is so Rafiki. The similarities are awesome! They both watched over the younger version of their leaders, were friends with their fathers, and ultimately played a large role in helping them come to terms with the legacies of their lost fathers. Not to mention they're both BAMF! Rafiki kung-fu and Chin's shotgun anyone?

5) One of the more poetic comparisons I think. Mufasa and Papa McGarrett both went to extreme lengths to protect their children, and thought they were doing the right thing by doing so. That wisdom may have been misplaced and it may have done their children more harm than good, but nobody's perfect and they did the best they could.

6) Pumba Kamekona. How I love this one. Both got hearts of gold, both easily talked into situations by their respective friends and only occasionally led astray by some. Ultimately awesome. Enough said. Haha.

7) I realized rather embarrassingly that I forgot Timon because I didn't have anyone in mind for him. And then bam! It hit me. Mary-Ann has been a trouble maker all her own when she was around, and she's never been above manipulating Kamekona into doing things he shouldn't (like let her loose). So, in honour of that, Mary-Ann is Timon!

8) I should hope that this one doesn't need explaining. Wo Fat killed Steve's dad, Scar killed Simba's, were the reasons they were sent away, turned out to be their arch nemesis' and they were right in front of them the whole time.

9) Shenzi and Governor Pat Jameson are a no brainer. They were strong females who ended up on the wrong team in the end. Neither of them had any problem manipulating those around them for their benefit and they knew how to keep others in line.

10) Victor Hesse, that we know of the Hesse Brothers, was actually capable of doing crap, so he gets to be Banzai. He took orders though so he wasn't a complete individual haha.

11) Anton didn't get a lot of screen time and we never got to know too much about him, but he served his purpose and I just love Ed, so he gets to be Ed!

12) And lastly, the trio simply because I wanted a pic with all three hyenas and their 5-0 counterparts. :D

Another picspam done and another chance to laugh my ass off. This has been way too much fun these picspams and I'm glad everyone is enjoying looking at them as much as I am enjoying making them!

Part 1
Part 2

Thanks for looking!

~ Mysery

h50, crossover, my graphics, graphic: picspam, danny williams, hawaii five-0, the lion king, steve mcgarrett

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