An attempt at reconciliation

Jul 27, 2007 15:12

[RP with tm_rogue. skids_sally used with permission. Locked to the same.]

And there it was.

The Brotherhood's safe house. The place her daughter and the rest of Magneto's misguided flock were hiding out. There were various rewards for this information. Family members of those who died, enemies of Magneto's willing to pay quite large sums for this location. If Anna hadn't been part of this Raven gladly would have sold off the details for the sum. Just to witness the look on Magneto's face as his stronghold was compromised. Perhaps if she could get her daughter Anna would never forgive her if she harmed her lover. They truly needed to discuss the girl's abhorrent choice in men. The Robins boy, the thief and now him. It was like watching a train wreck unfolding in slow motion.

Raven walked towards the building, stopping at the gate. Seeing movement and prepared herself for an attack. She hadn't bothered to alter her appearance. The only people in the vicinity were Brotherhood members. They would know who she was.

Skids didn't even hesitate. Launching herself at the intruder, trying to concentrate and keep her forcefield intact as she hit Mystique. Sending the other woman sprawling backwards into the wet earth. "We don't take kindly to people just dropping by," Skids informed her, watching the blue mutant warily. Everything she knew about Mystique told her not to let her guard down.

Raven jumped to her feet, dusting herself off and sneered at the girl. "A new recruit. How charming," she drawled, fingering the knife attached to her left hip. Hidden by skin. "I am here to see Rogue. Go fetch her."

"She know you're coming?" Skids didn't remember Rogue saying they should be on the lookout for this woman and the lieutenant definitely wasn't one to forget something this important.

Raven narrowed her eyes, shifting the skin a bit and palming the knife. Letting the skin on her arm hide it. "I do not believe that is your concern." The girl was a tedious obstacle. Easily enough to overcome.

"Put the knife away," Rogue ordered, landing in between the two of them. Sighing.

She'd seen the little interlude on the house's security camera and flown out to stop it. "I got this Skids. You can do on inside." She turned a little, nodding to the girl.

Skids raised an eyebrow. Not budging an inch. "You sure, Rogue? She's trouble."

Rogue smiled. "Yeah, she is but she's also my mother. So I suppose I should hear what she's got to say." She turned back to Mystique, watching her put the knife away. "Go make sure nothin's in view in case we come inside. Get Chrome to help ya."

"Your mother?" Skids shook her head, astonished. Making note to talk to Rogue about that later before nodding. "Yes, ma'am," she quickly added and headed inside.

Rogue crossed her arms, watching Mystique. Not sure if she had the strength to deal with this right now. "What do you want?" She cringed at how snappish her response was but didn't bother apologizing.

"We were meant to have lunch. Once a week. Your e-mails bounced back. Your phone number no longer worked." Raven scowled, falling into the same pose as her daughter. "You fell off the face of the earth."

Rogue shrugged. "We'd just blown up three large targets. What did you expect?"

"Oh yes. I saw the coverage. Making quite a name for yourself, aren't you?" Raven spat. Annoyed that Anna had put herself in such a situation. "And you've been yelling at everyone. Rachel informs me that you are now better. Better than what, Anna? Hmm? Or did you have no intention of letting me know what was wrong? A mother should know when her daughter is in pain."

"Especially if she's the cause of it," Rogue muttered, sighing at the flash of hurt in Mystique's face. "I...I didn't mean that. Look, I'm cold. If ya promise not to set up any traps or devices, I'll let ya inside an' we can talk. Okay?"

"Very well." Raven followed her inside, taking note of the security devices around the building. Smiling at Anna's annoyed look. "Old habits, baby. Do continue," she murmured, continuing after the girl. Watching Skids and a rather grumpy looking young man moving papers out of the room they were entering. "Planning something?"

"I ain't goin' inta Brotherhood business with ya," Rogue replied, sitting down at the table and motioned for Mystique to do the same. "If that's why you're here, I should just show ya the door."

Raven complied, slipping into the chair and shook her head. "I could care less what insanity your lover is conspiring as long as you are not harmed." She leaned forward. "I do not understand how he can say he loves you and allow you to put yourself in these dangerous situations."

"You did it. I was drivin' getaway cars when I was seven, Momma. Breakin' inta bases with ya an' Oma when I was twelve," Rogue reminded, leaning back. She smiled. "Saved your asses more'n once if'n I remember correctly."

Raven waved her hand. Dismissing the comparison. "We kept you away from any incident that would get you killed. He is putting you in the middle of danger." She snarled, not liking that fact at all. "Is he the reason you began yelling at everyone? Cutting yourself off from the world?" The quick intake of breath on her daughter's part confirmed her suspicion. "I will kill him. What did he do to you? You will tell me and you will tell me now," Raven demanded, hand slamming down onto the table.

Rogue rolled her eyes. "You ain't gonna hurt him. We...had some things we needed to figure out. Still do. It was my own fault that I got like I did. Was bein' stupid. Ain't his fault." She pursed her lips, amending, "Well, not really." That was probably not going to assuage her mother. "I'm fine. Ray came an' Sinny. Helped put me back to rights."

"Put you back?" Raven mulled over that, trying to understand what the girl was saying. "And why couldn't Magneto do that himself? What the hell happened?" She was fighting back the overwhelming need to go and find Magneto and beat the information out of him.

Rogue ducked a little, letting her hair fall in her face. Shielding her eyes. "We...were in the middle of sortin' out exactly how to react to one another when he's gotta be Magneto."

Raven's eyes narrowed, flashing dangerously. "What. Did. He. Do?"

Rogue smiled at the protectiveness in her mother's voice. "Nothin' I couldn't handle. Well, would've been able ta if my...powers went a little...crazy. Was tryin' ta hide it. Work it out myself. Didn't work out all that well."

"And why did he not notice you were hiding this sooner?" Raven demanded, adding to her ever growing list of reasons why Erik Lehnsherr deserved to die.

"Cause I didn't want him to," Rogue snapped, annoyed. The table rattling. "I learned from the best on how to keep secrets." She shook her head, controlling herself. Forcing the table to stop. "I don't wanna fight about him. We got through this. We're still workin' on this relationship. Balancin' out my bein' his lover an' his soldier. Its a process. It'll take time." She sighed, watching Mystique tap the table. Obviously still angry.

"Momma." Rogue stood up and walked around the table. Sat down on the table in front of her. "I know you worry. I...I can't make ya stop but I ain't gonna change what I'm doin'. It feels right ta me."

Raven didn't respond. Continuing to frown. Arms crossed in agitation.

Rogue sighed. "I got a letter from Oma." Smiled as Mystique looked at her. "She sent me pictures from when I was a kid. At the zoo. The aquarium. With you an' with her."

Raven closed her eyes, remembering the letter she too had received. Took a deep breath, felt Anna's hands on her hair. "She would have been able to talk sense into you," Raven muttered, and leaned forward. Hugging the girl, resting her head in Anna's lap.

Rogue smiled. "No she wouldn't've. She'd do what she always did. Be the sane one amongst us. Quiet an' so damn assured." She kept stroking Mystique's hair. "An' then she'd have read me some fairytale that would actually make a point about whatever it was y'all thought I was doin' wrong. All sneaky like." There was a muffled laugh and then a sob and Rogue leaned down, pressing a kiss to Mystique's hair. "She'd let me make my own mistakes though, Momma. You've gotta let me do that too. Can't protect me forever."

"I lost one of you," Raven replied, pulling away. Catching Anna's face in her hands. "I will not lose another." She dropped her hands, face expressionless.

"I ain't the only one you care about anymore, Momma," Rogue reminded, pushing at her. "If I kick the bucket, you'll still have Izzy." She flinched at Mystique's glare. "Sorry. That probably...what I meant was I'm glad ya have her. An' not just cause it means ya have less time to spend on tryin' to help me." She smiled, hopping off the table. "Why don't we go inta town an' get lunch? Since I owe you, what? Like three?" Plus it'd be a good idea to get Mystique out of the house so the others could keep working.

Raven stood up, rolling her eyes. "Do not think I don't know your motivation for having us leave. But yes, I would enjoy leaving this sterile environment."

"Oh it's just like that cause all the fun stuffs in Erik an' mine room." Rogue laughed at Mystique's glare, tugging her towards the door. Nodding to Skids as they passed. "Now come on an' ya can tell me all about your latest jobs. I could get tips!"

"You are not amusing, Anna." Raven shook her head, following her daughter out to one of the cars. This had definitely gone better than she'd hoped. Though, she was a bit saddened that she wasn't required to harm any of Magneto's brood. But Anna was laughing and willingly going out with her. That in itself was an improvement. Perhaps at lunch she could convince the girl to leave the Brotherhood.

"Uh huh, love you too, Erik. I'll be back in a few hours," Rogue was murmuring into the cellphone before closing it.

Or perhaps not. Raven shook her head. Wondering if Irene had predicted all of this and what lay ahead for those she held so dear.

skids, rogue

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