E-mail to tm_magneto

Mar 26, 2007 19:13

[locked to tm_rogue and tm_magneto]

To: Anna (a.darkholme@gmail.com)
From: Your mother (momma.darkholme@gmail.com)
Date: 03.26.2007; 20:23
Subject: Email for Magneto

Baby, don't read the message below. Just give it to the madman you are fucking.

I did warn you that this was not for your eyes, Anna.



It appears that Rogue is not planning on coming to her senses anytime in the near future and leaving you and your pathetic lot of believers behind. You and Charles are amazingly alike, only different extremes of the same damn line. Yet, neither of you have been able to realize that. Both with dreams that will never see fruition. And both apparently doing all in your power to get my daughter killed.

She left one worthless opportunity behind only to seemingly fall headfirst into another. Do not think I am fooled you arrogant man into thinking you truly love her. She is a powerful mutant. A powerful weapon that you have been salivating over obtaining for more years than she knows. Yet, she loves you--she's always seemed to favor lost causes--and therefore I will not openly attempt to ruin this relationship.

If anything, I have learned over these past few years, my darling pigheaded child does not react well to my interference. Do not think this means I shall be leaving you alone. I will merely be more covert in my maneuverings.

If you wish to keep her, I will give you some advice, though it pains me to do so. You hurt her and I will kill you. You get her hurt in any capacity and I will kill you. You make her cry and I will kill you. Are we clear?

And you foolish madman. Your ineptitude with handling Graydon Creed. I have no words to describe your failing. He is a vocal bigot who has no qualms degrading mutants, torturing mutants, killing them--and he enjoys slandering your girlfriend's name--and you have done nothing to stop him.

Inform Rogue that I require a dinner with the both of you. It is the motherly thing to do.

Keep her safe or I will have no problem tracking you down and ending your pathetic life.


e-mail, rogue, magneto

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