[RP with tm_rogue]

Mar 24, 2007 23:20

[Locked to and written with tm_rogue]

Rogue stuffed her hands in her coat pockets, eyes downcast as she moved along the sidewalk, thankful she was wearing the coat with a hood. After the latest barrage of pictures in the news, including the one associating her again with Magneto, she was more careful about appearing out in public. There was little doubt in her mind that she was being followed. And she had to make it easy to do so. It would be best not to have any contact with Erik at all for the next few days. Maybe weeks.

She wasn't all that sure she could successfully not speak with him for that long. Though, she had no desire to be the cause for his capture. Part of the fun of dating a supervillian , she thought ruefully, glaring at the man across the street. He'd been on her tail for five minutes. He faltered briefly and she rolled her eyes, picking up her speed.

Turning the corner, she slipped into the cafe and scanned the shop for Mystique, curious as to what form her mother would take. She spotted a blonde in the corner, flirting outrageously with the bus boy. Rogue shook her head and made her way over, slipping into the empty seat. "Momma," she murmured, removing her coat.

"She is your...mother?" the young man asked incredulously, looking quickly between the two. "She looks so young." His accent was almost endearing.

"I hope you ain't calling me old," Rogue replied, glaring and the boy ducked his head and moved away.

"You delight in spoiling my fun," the woman--Mystique--muttered, her expression full of mischief. "You look haggard."

"Gee. Thanks," Rogue muttered, slipping her gloves off and stuffing them into her pocket.

Mystique laughed, pushing the muffin towards her daughter. "You also look entirely too thin." She leaned back in the chair, narrowing her eyes. "You are not taking care of yourself."

Rogue pushed the muffin back. "Yeah, I have. Just stressed." Oh boy. That wasn't the right thing to say. She could almost see the little wheels turning in the other woman's head, giving her entirely too many ideas.

"If you would simply leave these foolish dreamers and stop seeing that madman you would not be stressed." Mystique tapped her fingers along the table top, annoyed. She tossed Rogue the magazine that had been in her lap. "Interesting article. Discussing your current involvement with the Brotherhood and asking why X-Corps and SHIELD have done nothing about it."

Rogue growled, not bothering to open the offending material. "Let me guess? Graydon, right. Maybe you should learn to deal with your damn son."

"Perhaps, baby, you should be a little more discreet in your endeavors." Mystique smiled thinly, enjoying that Rogue was rattled. "How long do you believe they will allow you to continue this relationship? How long do you think it will be before they interrogate you? Lock you up in that damn prison of Stark's?"

"Erik--Rachel won't let that happen." Rogue waved her hand, dismissing the topic. It was her greatest fear though. For the others to turn on her, to be locked up like the enemy. Stripped of her rights, her dignity.

"She will if her darling mother demands it of her." Mystique sipped at her coffee, watching Rogue closely, pleased at the small signs Rogue showed. Fear was a powerful weapon, one she had no problem using against Rogue. In order to keep her safe. It was only a matter of time before her world came crashing down around her and Mystique was not about to allow her to be locked away for dating Magneto. He wasn't worth it. "And Jean will. Eventually. You are creating entirely too much bad PR. She'll need to show that she won't tolerate anyone conspiring with the enemy. And, darling, you are doing much more than conspiring with Magneto."

"Stop it, Momma," Rogue growled, fists curling tightly in her lap. "Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do. Ain't gonna work." She pushed back the terror edging to overwhelm her, reminding herself who was telling her this information. She was hardly trustworthy. Who knew what Mystique's agenda was.

Mystique slammed her hand down, letting her rage show on her face. "I am trying to keep you safe. They will set you aside as a sacrificial lamb if they must. As will Magneto."

"No, he wouldn't." Rogue shook her head, her voice adamant. "He loves me."

"Of course he does." Mystique laughed. This would have been amusing if it involved anyone but her daughter. "If he had to choose between you and his cause, who do you think would win?"

Rogue stared at the table, refusing to answer.

"He will throw you away once he tires of you. Once he becomes fully engaged in his little dream again." Mystique reached out, patting Rogue's hand. Frowning when Rogue pulled it quickly away.

"I love him," Rogue breathed, her voice barely audible. "I ain't betraying him. I ain't betraying my friends." She looked up, sensing Mystique was ready to offer another counter argument. "I love him," she reiterated. "Like you did Oma. Like you still do."

That caught her off-guard and Mystique stared at Rogue for a few moments, unable to formulate an appropriate response.

"I really do. He...he's my Oma, Momma. He's the one I want to make chocolate chip cookies with and snuggle and rescue some poor little street kid and raise as our own." Rogue grinned. "Okay, not really. I don't think Erik needs anymore kids. He's got enough to deal with the three he has but I ain't lying about how I feel about him."

Mystique frowned. "You cannot." She narrowed her eyes, shaking her hand. "You cannot."

Rogue rolled her eyes. "Hate to tell ya, Momma, but it ain't your decision."

"He will get you killed."

Rogue shrugged. "We all die at some point."

"Not funny, Rogue." Mystique sighed. Frustrated. "You were far better off with that Cajun."

"Oh so now Remy's good enough for me." This was ridiculous.

"You were less likely to be killed because of him," Mystique muttered, glaring.

"Uh huh. I'm an X-Man--was an X-Man. Lots of people want me dead. Heck, there's a whole group who wants me dead just cause I'm a mutant." Rogue shrugged again, taking a bite of the muffin.

"Don't be flippant."

"This conversation is ridiculous." Rogue leaned over and picked up Mystique's coffee mug, sipping. "I'll see who I want to see. You stopped having the right to designate my life that way a long time ago."

Mystique leaned back, crossing her arms. Clearly agitated. "And look out how well you've done since leaving."

Rogue glared, slamming the muffin down. "Cause I was doing oh so well with y'all." She shook her head, sighing and slumped back in the chair. "I didn't mean that. You. You and Oma were great. But I wasn't meant for your Brotherhood." Ain't meant for Erik's either. She repeated that in her mind. Adamant.

"You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with Magneto's," Mystique growled, mouth thinning. Angry.

"I ain't spending time with the Brotherhood." Not really. "I'm spending time with Erik." Why couldn't anyone see the difference? Rogue frowned. Cause it ain't much of one.

Mystique watched Rogue carefully, seeing the conflict in the girl's face. "He wants you on his team." It wasn't a question. Of course he did. Rogue would be a powerful weapon. "He is using your emotions against you. Using your need for touch, for intimacy against you."

"Why can't anyone believe he simply loves me? That he wants me to be happy?" Rogue shook her head, frustrated. "He wants me as a soldier, yeah, but he. He'd rather me be happy than for me to be his soldier."

"Don't be naive." Mystique waved her off, unable to believe Rogue was falling for his act. "You are a powerful. He wants you at his side so he can use your power to his advantage."

"So. What? Can't be both? Cause then all those times you said you loved me were simply a lie as well." Rogue glared, crossing her arms defensively across her chest.

That caught her off guard and Mystique blinked, surprised. "I have never lied about my love for you. Neither Irene or I did."

"Right." Rogue couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice. "And y'all took me in out of the kindness of your heart not cause you knew I'd become some powerful mutant."

Mystique sighed, trying to reach out to touch Rogue. Pulling back when the girl flinched. "Yes. Irene knew you would be powerful. We did not pick you for that reason. Not solely." She pursed her lips, unsure how much she wished Rogue to know. "Do you not believe Irene knew she would be killed for some time? That she would. Leave me. She wished for there to be at least one other person on this earth that I cared for."

"And that's why you stabbed me." Rogue highly doubted she would ever forgive that.

Mystique slammed her fist onto the table, lips twisting in frustration. "You will never forgive me for that." She watched Rogue avert her gaze, a silent answer, and reached out, brushing her fingers over Rogue's cheeks. The girl's power tugged and she let Rogue glimpse precisely how she felt, what she meant to her.

Rogue pulled away, refusing to look at Mystique. She quickly rose, tugging on her coat and gloves. "I got to get back."

"I demand to have dinner with your suitor since you seem so intent on continuing to involve yourself with him." Mystique sipped her coffee, knowing not to push anymore.

"Right. Like I'm gonna let you anywhere near him." Rogue forced herself to look at Mystique and gave a shaky smile. "Deal with Graydon please. He's becoming highly irritating." Quickly, she leaned down and gave Mystique a quick hug. "Take care of yourself," she mumbled and left the cafe, needing distance. Now.

Mystique watched her leave, satisfied that she'd put the girl off balance. She was right though, Graydon was definitely becoming a problem. He would need to be dealt with. Soon.

rp, rogue

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