May 10, 2009 14:58
i am sat watching us perform badly against the scum with a hangover
me and c had a pass out and went to leeds to go out with some collegues
we dined and drank lots (well i did) in chapel allerton, a good night was had by all
Apr 30, 2009 13:23
managed to dodge the biggest bullet of my short career last night
we have a release that is very very broken and the service and programme director wanted me to take on the back-end delivery, unfortunately my boss seems to think i have work to do in my current role....thank god, it was a hospital pass of the worst kind.
Apr 28, 2009 20:01
sometimes when you get home you just need a lovely trashy tea, this evening was sausages (6), chips and gravy - 9 out of 10 for taste and bad-ness now onto the numerous jobs in the new house whilst looking like i'm not watching football
Apr 09, 2009 09:01
crap few weeks
- dad was diagnosed with cancerous tumour in his eye 2 weeks ago, ouch, gets fitted for a mask for the radiation treatment today then goes in next sunday for 4 days.
- C's dad died 27th March, funeral was on monday, went as well as it could, C is doing well
- we move house next week (hopefully, if solicitors pull thumbs from arses)
- I have made
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Oct 15, 2008 22:00
went shooting today on my own
it didn't come together too well
i hurt and am in a bad mood
Oct 04, 2008 15:43
#1 did doggy paddle on her own and was happy swimming away from daddy today
all this just 4 weeks after screaming her head off and clinging to daddy in the pool...
i went shooting, had a lesson, shot well and bought a gun
i am tired.
i am home along with wine and a pizza tonight.....bliss.... godfather, matrix or full metal jacket? hmmmm
Oct 03, 2008 20:02
i am going swimming with #1 tomorrow morning and then shooting
i may buy a gun in the afternoon
Oct 01, 2008 21:41
have got my new shiny toy
eee pc 901
very cool