Fic: Dry Mouth

Dec 03, 2009 17:24

Title: Dry Mouth
Author: starrdust411
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Gabriel/Mohinder
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes his mouth would get so dry that it hurt to talk. (Sequel to "Sweaty Palms")
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes.
Warnings: Slash, AU, Humor

"Anybody order a pizza?"

Words could not describe the happy feeling that spread through his entire being when Gabriel heard Mohinder Suresh's lovely voice. The watchmaker smiled shyly, his whole body practically radiating with joy as Mohinder walked through the front door of his shop carrying a pizza box in his hand.

"Mohinder," he beamed, fidgeting from one foot to the other as the Indian man approached him. "This is... I didn't... w-what brings you here?"

The geneticist chuckled as he placed the box carefully down on Gabriel's counter, lifting the lid to let the other man get a good look at the plain cheese pizza resting inside, hot and ready to be eaten. "I was on lunch and thought you might like some company."

The watchmaker's insides practically melted at those words. Mohinder was so kind and thoughtful. He'd been dropping by once a week ever since the two had agreed to keep working together. Having Mohinder studying him was a completely different experience than it had been with Chandra. Mohinder was not nearly as cold and robotic as his father was; he respected his privacy and constantly checked to be sure he was feeling comfortable. Yet having the handsome Indian man so close was more than a bit awkward for Gabriel. He had to concentrate to keep his heart beat at a normal level, he wiped his hands every second to make sure his palms were dry, and there were times that his throat got so dry that he couldn't even speak.

Yet even with Mohinder guiding him through this process the two had not gotten very far. As far as the tests were concerned, Gabriel was as healthy and normal as the average Joe walking down the street. Each time their results came back negative, a little piece of Gabriel would crumple up and die. He was lucky to have Mohinder there. His patient smiles and his whispered assurances gave him just enough hope to keep going.

"I brought some napkins," Mohinder said, pulling Gabriel's attention away from the fantasy world it had slipped into. "Do you have any plates?"

Gabriel nodded, slipping into his back room to search for the short stack of paper plates he knew he had tucked away somewhere. "Thank you for the pizza," he called to the other man, not wanting Mohinder to think he was ungrateful. "I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem," the geneticist replied. "After all, you bought me lunch last week."

Gabriel felt his face turn bright red at the memory. He had taken Mohinder to a nearby Mexican restaurant and had nearly burned his tongue on what he soon discovered was their mildest salsa. Needless to say it was not one of his best moments, but he wasn't exactly the perfect picture of confidence.

"H-how's your dad?" he asked as he came back with two paper plates in his hands, hoping to change the subject.

Mohinder shrugged, taking a slice of pizza in one hand and a plate in the other. "Fine," he sighed, "but frustrated. No one's been returning his phone calls."

"That's terrible," Gabriel commented, although deep inside he was pleased. He knew it was spiteful and selfish, but he wanted Chandra to fail. He wanted the Indian man to regret giving up on him. Chandra had offered him the world and then took it all away from him. Whatever the geneticist got he deserved.

Mohinder nodded, blowing carefully on the still hot slice in his hand. Gabriel smiled at the way the other man's lips looked puckered up in a tight circle as he grabbed a slice for himself. "I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to just give up and go home," the Indian sighed before taking a bite of his lunch.

Gabriel felt his entire body freeze at the other man's comment. He stood there, his slice half way to his lips, as still as a metal pole in an ice storm. He had never considered the possibility that Chandra would leave the country.

And if Chandra left... would Mohinder follow? Deep inside, he knew that Mohinder didn't belong here. He deserved so much better than what life in America had to offer him. After all, the man was a genetics professor back in India, but here he was forced to drive a taxi just to pay the bills. He swallowed hard against the fear swelling in his throat, placing his slice back down on his paper plate. Suddenly he wasn't feeling very hungry.

"If Chandra leaves," he began quietly, dreading the answer, "will you go with him?"

"I might," Mohinder shrugged cover his mouth to hide the chewed food just behind his teeth. "I have to admit, I miss my mother dearly and, as much as I love my father, I can't stand living with him anymore."

Gabriel nodded, but inside he felt like crying. Mohinder was the best thing that had ever happened to him, the first person he had ever truly loved, and yet he could just pack his bags and leave if things didn't go well. He should have known better than to think that someone as wonderful as the geneticist would stay in America just for a lowly watchmaker.

"Gabriel?" Mohinder asked, placing a tender hand on his slumped shoulder. "Are you alright?"

The pale man felt his cheeks burn bright red with embarrassment as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "No, I... uh... It's just-"

"Don't worry, Gabriel," the other man soothed, gripping his shoulder in a reassuring manner. "I'm sure my father will find someone soon"

"What about me?"


He nodded slowly. "What if we were to discover my ability? Would you stay?"

"I suppose," the geneticist began thoughtfully, "but I don't want to put any pressure on you. You're a person, not a research paper. Let's not think about this. Come on. I'm sure the pizza's getting cold."


Sundays were the only day he'd closed the shop. His mother frowned on the idea of working on the Sabbath, so he went to mass with her in the mornings and spent the afternoons with her. During the evenings, his mother would make him dinner and bake two peach pies; one for desert and one for Gabriel to take home.

Ever since he and Mohinder had begun spending so much time together, Sundays began to feel like the longest day of the week. It was the one day he could not talk to or talk about Mohinder. His mind could wander and his heart could long for him, but his ears and his body had to be opened and present for his mother only.

"So who is she?"

The watchmaker felt his heart stop dead in his chest at his mother's question. "W-what?" he stammered, busying himself by playing with the steamed vegetables at the edge of his plate. "W-who?"

His mother beamed, a secretive smile playing along the corners of her lips as she studied him carefully. She hadn't made him blush like this since he was thirteen and his voice had begun to crack. "You can't hide anything from me, Gabriel Gray," she teased, leaning across the table to try to peek at his eyes. Her eagerness only made him hunch his shoulders and force his eyes lower, studying his plate as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. "You're in love. Admit it! A mother always knows."

Gabriel cringed, shoveling forkfuls of peas into his mouth in the vain hope that if he cleaned his plate his mother would leave him alone. He had never anticipated that she'd find out. He had tried to hide it, he tried to keep his mind on the present and not the Indian man that haunted his thoughts, but he was just as transparent as ever.

"It... It's not like that, Mom," he muttered between his mouthfuls of vegetables.

Unfortunately for the young man, that was all his mother needed to hear to prove her point. "I knew it!" she gushed. "You're in love! Who is she? Do I know her? Do I know her parents?"

A sick part of him wanted to tell his mother all about Mohinder, but he knew better. He couldn't imagine the fit the woman would have if she found out her only son, her "angel", had fallen in love with a man. "N-no," he mumbled. "You wouldn't know her. She's not from around here. Besides, she doesn't even like me like that."

"Nonsense!" his mother chided, standing up from her seat to take their empty plates over to the kitchen. "Who wouldn't love my Gabriel? You're such a sweet boy and so handsome."

The pale young man scowled at her words, clenching his hands into fists under the table. Handsome? He wasn't handsome. He was tall and awkward and not the type of person Mohinder deserved to be with. Only his mother thought he was good looking and that was only because she was his mother. Tears threatened to form in his eyes and Gabriel suddenly wanted to storm out of his mother's apartment in a childish fit.

He sighed, listening to his mother washing the dishes under the running water. "I'm just a watchmaker," he bemoaned. "I'm not special. Why would anybody want me?"

The faucet was quickly shut off as his mother came to his side, cradling his pale face in her cold, boney hands. "You are special, Gabriel," she assured him. "Any woman would be lucky to have a man like you." She smiled, running a slightly wet hand over his neatly combed black hair. "Just tell her how you feel. And bring her here for dinner. I want to meet the mother of my grandchildren!"


Gabriel swallowed several times, trying to get his throat to work properly, but it was so dry that he felt like he'd been wandering in the desert for years. He struggled to breathe as Mohinder reached across him and grabbed the glass of water he had placed on his coffee table. Mohinder had shown up at his shop with an arm full of books on genetics for Gabriel to read over. The watchmaker had read Activating Evolution a dozen times (the first time he had imagined Chandra's serious, business like voice reviewing the material to him like a professor in a lecture hall, but every time after that it was Mohinder's rich, cultured voice whispering the text in his eager ears) and the Indian man decided that it would be beneficial for him to get a bit more knowledge on the subject just to know what they were looking for.

He didn't know how he had worked up the nerve to invite Mohinder back to his apartment to go over the material with him, but he had done it, and now he was too nervous and self conscious to think straight. After all, Mohinder had been the first person beside his mother or his landlord to visit his apartment and suddenly the space felt too... immaculate. The room was so cold and sterile, with his perfectly organized sleeves of books and perfectly cleaned furniture. He had to wonder what Mohinder thought of him.

The watchmaker sighed, studying the other man as he took a long gulp from his glass before putting it back down on the table... missing the coaster by a mile. He scowled for a moment, thinking of the water spot such a careless move would make, but it melted away once Mohinder scooted closer to him, pressing their sides together as he leaned over to hover a long finger over the edge of the book.

"Are you done with this page, Gabriel?"

He nodded, still too nervous to speak as Mohinder turned the page with a flick of his wrist. Gabriel's heart hammered in his chest as he reached a hand out to grab his own glass, only to pull away; worried he'd knock the cup over and ruin his table further.

"Is something wrong?"

"I...uh... no," he stuttered, wiping the palm of his hands against his pants as he glanced up to look into Mohinder's clear brown eyes. His mother's words suddenly echoed in his head and he longed to tell the Indian man that he loved him, but that would sound too forward.

Then again, they were alone and in his apartment no less. If he were to tell the other man how he felt now and he was rejected, there would be no prying eyes to judge him and the humiliation would be lessened. Yet, on the other hand, if he did tell Mohinder how he felt and Mohinder rejected him, he'd be worse off than when Chandra had turned his back on him. His last hope would be gone and he'd have to sell all of his furniture, move back in with his mother, and burn down his watch shop so that he would have no evidence that he had ever met Mohinder Suresh.

"I like you." He pushed the words out as quickly as possible in order to keep himself from second guessing the decision. His heart was pounding so loudly in his ears that he barely heard Mohinder chuckle as he bumped their shoulders together.

"I like you too, Gabriel," Mohinder laughed playfully and for once the sound made a part of Gabriel want to shrivel up and die.

"No, I mean-"

His words were cut off as Mohinder leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a gentle kiss. Spots formed in front of his eyes and he was suddenly very thankful that he was sitting because his legs felt like limp noodles. His whole body was tingling, his skin was buzzing, and even the knowledge that this was his very first kiss couldn't ruin this perfect moment for him.

A playful smile was pasted on Mohinder's warm face as he leaned back and looked Gabriel in the eye. "You're so sweet, Gabriel," he laughed, "but you're terribly obvious."

"You mean you-"

"Of course I knew!" Mohinder chuckled, finishing his thoughts the way he'd always felt a good lover should. "I've known since we first met!"

"B-but you... you didn't say anything."

"Well that'd be rather embarrassing, wouldn't it?" he said. "I wanted you to work up the nerve for yourself."

Gabriel should have felt like a childish fool, but the only thought filling his head was that Mohinder had just kissed him. He liked him. "You're so beautiful," he found himself saying. "How could you even want to kiss me?"

"Because I like you," he urged, reaching over to frame Gabriel's face in his soft hand. "You're sweet and kind and incredibly handsome."

His heart sang at the Indian's words. Handsome? Mohinder thought he was handsome? Dear God, his mother was actually right about something. That was a bit disturbing.

He pushed that thought out of his head and leaned over to plant a kiss on Mohinder's soft lips. It was sloppy and awkward, but it was so liberating to know that he could now kiss and touch Mohinder the way he'd dreamed about for so long. He felt Mohinder's lips curl into a smile as he kissed him back, his hands wandering to Gabriel's side and caressing his legs encouragingly. He felt Mohinder's tongue slide across his lips. He let out a startled sigh as the Indian man's tongue slid inside, massaging the inside of his mouth in a way that was both unnerving and exciting.

His whole body was flushed and his skin continued to tingle from his head to his toes. He felt so... so...

The reality of what was happening hit him like a slap to the face as he found himself doubling over, his whole body trembling as his eyes squeezed shut. His release came abruptly and unwanted. The front of his pants burning hot then cool, a harsh reminder of the mess he had just made. He sat like that for a while, his face bright red and humiliated as he waited for Mohinder to mock him for coming over the excitement of a first kiss.

Yet instead of any cruel, biting remarks, he was pleasantly surprised to find Mohinder chuckling softly before placing a tender kiss on his cheek. "I guess that means I'm a good kisser," he teased and Gabriel knew he'd found his soul mate.

Part 3

character: gabriel, rating: pg-13, genre: fluff, genre: au, character: virginia, silliness, fic

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