Title: You've got mail Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG Genre: general Warnings/Spoilers: none Summary: Jack and Ianto are having a little exchange of e-mails, concerning their plans for Valentine's Day.
Title: Tops and tails Rating: PG-15 Genre: Humour Warnings: none, apologies to Irving Berlin Summary: Torchwood have to investigate an alien sighting. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. Notes: Set in S2, pre Reset
Title: Friday the 13th ->24 hours to salvation Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG Genre: General/Humour Warnings/Spoilers: None. Summary: Jack faces his biggest nightmare...14 months worth of file work and he is going to finish it within 24 hours.
Title: Puttin on My Top Hat Word Count:479 Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen Rating: PGish Spoilers: none Disclaimer: Sadly not mine Prompt: Photo of a top hat and gloves
The third prompt is upon us! Hurrah! This week, we have an image prompt... ooo!
Also: If anyone knows how to stop LJ from squishing my pics could you let meknow? Because no matter how many times I've trailed through coding/faq's etc I just have no clue. :(