Xeno PW: Solarians of minor import.

Jul 05, 2007 04:32

I didn't want to do anything major. Here, have some characters nobody cares about. :P

地の能力を使い手。  亡国エルル唯一の生存者。  卓抜した能力を持ちながらそれを行使しようとしないエリィに、憧憬、 嫉妬、 羨望、 荷立ちなど、 複雑な感性を抱えている。  ラムサスを慕う気持ちがもっとも強い。

水の能力の使い手。  常に冷静沈着で、 参謀的な役割を果たす。  高すぎるエーテル能力を抑制するため、 あえて目を閉じている。  ユーゲント時代は、 エリィと同室であった。

風の能力の使い手。  全身の90%がサイボーグ化されており、 身体の各所に様々な武品を内蔵している。  その理由や目的などは不明。

火の能力の使い手。  亜人種であり、 ソイレント施設で廃棄処分とされる寸前であったところを、 ラムサスに救われる。  4人中、 加入時期がもっとも早く、 そのためリーダーを任されている。

She holds the power of Earth. Dominia is Elru’s only survivor. Her feelings regarding Elly, who has superb power and no will to use it, are complicated, reflecting longing, jealousy, envy, and so on. She has strong feelings for Ramsus.

She holds the power of Water. Ordinarily she’s a level-headed person, and handles team assignments and other duties. (1) In order to control her abnormally high ether ability, she must keep her eyes closed. While at Jugend she shared a room with Elly.

She holds the power of Wind. Ninety percent of her body has been converted to machine (2), and she holds several types of internal weapons. The reason and purpose of this conversion are unknown.

She holds the power of Fire. A sub-human, she was sent to the Soylent Facility for disposal, and Ramsus rescued her just before she met her end. In order to admit her to the Elements early, she was entrusted to their care. (3)

1: this is similar to Helmholz's description below; not sure how else to describe it at the moment.
2: it says cyborg, specifically. I just couldn’t make that sound good.
3: I think this is the gist, but I might be getting任されている slightly wrong…

特殊部隊の隊長。  武人としての誇りを持ち、 その誇りのために戦う。 ワンドナイトに塔乗。
ノリは軽いが、 冷酷非情で仲間内でも危険人物扱いされている。射撃の腕は一級品。  ソードナイトに搭乗。
冷静沈着であり、 状況判断能力に優れていることから、 参謀的な立場にある。  ワンドナイトに搭乗。 
その巨体と怪力に見合わず、 温厚的な性格であるが、 激昂すると見境がなくなる。  シールドナイトに搭乗。  
メンバ一中最年少。  ナルシストで、 美しいものに嫉妬する傾向がある。  カップナイトに搭乗。

Commander of the Special Forces. As a warrior he’s proud, and he fights for the sake of that pride. He pilots a Wandknight.

He doesn’t behave (4) seriously, but Stratski is merciless, and treated with care even among his friends. His marksmanship is top-notch. He pilots Swordknight.

He’s cool and collected, and since his abilities surpass those of the others, in a position of command. (5) He pilots a Wandknight.

In contrast with his large build and superhuman strength, Broyer has a gentle personality. When he falls into a rage, however, he loses his ability to determine friend or foe. He pilots a Shield Knight.

Vance (6)
The youngest member of the strike team. He’s narcissistic, and has a tendency to be jealous of beautiful things. He pilots Clawknight.

4: ノリは軽い is problematic. Considering the context, I’m taking ノリ to be 典, which came up (for me) as “mood.” Neither dictionary gave me a good explanation for this, and it doesn’t ring a bell as a foreign word.
5: 参謀 was returned as ‘staff officer’ and similar positions. WTF is it with using 的な to turn random crap into adjectives?
6: the Katakana says “France,” or “Franz,” depending on your preference.

元々アヴェ駐留部隊指軍官。解任後は国境警備隊を指揮。解任後は国境警備隊を指揮。  監砲射撃を絶対と信じる時代錯誤な采配が命取りとなった。

He was the commander of Aveh’s garrisoned forces. After his dismissal he took command of the forces on the border. He believed absolutely in the effectiveness of heavy artillery (7), and this proved fatal.

7: a reference to his love affair with big guns. The word is actually just ‘bombardment.’

サムソン - ティモシーに良く似た青年。  フェイとともに第3級市民層からの脱出を謀るが、 死亡。

ケンレン - カレルレンの従者であり、 ギアとの融合を果た者。  言葉使いがバカ丁寧。

DK1200 - カレルレンの従者であり、 ギアとの融合を果た者。  少し性格破綻気味。

カラーン-ベッカ - 第2級市民層に暮らす少年。  15歳のとき、 ラムサスに殺害され、 その肉体を奪われた。


Samson: the young man who resembled Timothy. He planned to escape the Third Class Level with Fei, but he died.

Kenren: one of Krelian’s followers, and the result of fusing human and gear. He has a ridiculously polite way of speaking.

DK1200: one of Krelian’s followers, and the result of fusing human and gear. His personality is somewhat off. (8)

Kahran Bekka: a boy who lived on the Second Class Level. When he was fifteen, Ramsus killed him and acquired his body.

8: 破綻 means failure, so… it looks to me like his personality is a failure. Perhaps that’s not quite right. XD

Edit to add~


エレメンツは元々、ユーゲント時代にジェサイアとラムサスが発足させた精鋭集団。  当時はジェサイアとラムサスの他に、 ラムサスが取り成したヒュウガとシグルドの4人で構成されていた。  ラムサスは階級による束縛を排除し、 個人の能力が重視されることを理想としていた。  その理想を実現させるために組織したのがエレメンツであり、 彼の意志に賛同したのがジェサイア、 ヒュウガ、 シグルドだった。  しかし、 シグルドの離反とジェサイアの逃亡により、 エレメンツの本来の目的は失われる。

ラムサスの守護天使就任、 ゲブラー総司冷官着任にともない、 エレメンツはラムサス直属の近衛部隊となり、 ユーゲントで卓抜した能力を持つ者を選出し、 エレメンツ候補生として英才教育が施されるようになった。  現エレメンツ4人はすべてラムサスの手で集められた。  また、 エリィもユーゲント在籍時はエレメンツ候補生であり、 ドミニアやケルビナとの交友関係があった。

The Elements (from Ramsus’s profile)
In the beginning, the Elements were an elite group put together by Jesiah and Ramsus at Jugend. In addition to these two, Ramsus smoothed the way for Hyuga and Sigurd to join and round out the group with four people. Ramsus wanted to remove restrictions based on class so that each individual would be assessed by their own merits. To realize that dream he organized the Elements, admitting Jesiah, Hyuga, and Sigurd to underline that purpose. (9) However, after Sigurd’s desertion and Jesiah’s flight, the real purpose of the Elements was lost.

When Ramsus became a Guardian Angel, but before he took up command of Gebler, he turned the Elements into a personal guard and chose people who showed remarkable talent at Jugend to enroll as Element cadets and receive a special education. The current Elements were all chosen personally by Ramsus. Additionally, while Elly was at Jugend she was one of the candidates for the Elements - this is her connection with Dominia and Kelvena.

9: the very last part, about underlining his purpose, is implied but not actually said by賛同した I think; this means he endorsed or approved them from what I can tell, but that didn’t work out as well when I wrote it.

敵基地への潜入、 破壊工作など特殊任務をこなすために組織されたチーム。  隊長のランクを筆頭に、 クセのある5人の男が集う。  キスレブ国境付近での敵部隊の迎撃、 原子爆破を目的とした爆弾戦艦へヒト護衛任務で、 エリィ直属の部隊として出撃した。  その後、 「ゲーティア小鍵」 発動によるヒトの変容が始まると、 ゲブラーを離脱して二サンへ。  かつての隊長エリィの護衛をかって出る。

The Gebler Strike Team
A team put together for the purpose of infiltrating enemy bases and other such subversive activity. Unit commander Renk is the first of the five men gathered to comprise the team. They ambushed enemy units in the area on the Kislev border, and ran escort duty for the mission to set off an atomic explosion under Elly’s command. (10) Later, when the Goetia Key was put to use, their bodies began to change, and they fled Gebler to go to Nisan. There they took up their former posts as Elly’s escort.

10: not too sure about this sentence, unless とした is とする this time. It’s clearly talking about the Kislev mission, however.

I'm sorry, but even I don't care about Vanderkaum, poor guy. So I skipped the paragraph on his ship. :P

public: xenogears, public: translation

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