Gods, Zephyr's history is depressing. I finally got Word to be useful, but it's notorious for causing problems when one copies and pastes from the program to just about anything else. I'll fix whatever I spot, of course. If you have a problem displaying anything, let me know via comment. :D
Also, I must say... brand really does make a difference when it comes to grape soda. There's no getting around it!
当時シェバトは皇帝が存在したが、 実権は長老会議が握っていた。 ゼファーは第三皇女として生まれる。 大戦中、 二サン教団に難民が流入し、 影響力を増していったことで、 長老会議は皇女ゼファー (当時13歳) を大使として二サンへ向かわせた。 ゼファーは二サンに逗留し、 教母ソフィアとともに地上勢力の象徴的な人物として扱われた。
大戦中期、 メルカバーを建造したソラリスはシェバトを急襲。 皇族は全員が死亡した。 その後、 ガゼル法院と長老会議の共謀により、 二サンの主力部隊が誘き出され壊滅。 これに同行していたぜファーは、 生き延びたラカンやロニらとともに急遽帰国。 長老連を更迭し、 ロニや三賢者の擁立を受け、 女王として即位した。
Zephyr, 500 Years Ago
At the time Shevat had an imperial family, but the Council of Elders held the real power. Zephyr was born the third princess. Nisan was beset by an influx of refugees during the Great War, which in turn strengthened their political power, and the Council sent Zephyr (age 13 at the time) as ambassador. Zephyr stayed in Nisan, and along with Sophia came to be seen as a symbol of the earth dwellers' opposition.
In the middle of the war, Solaris staged an attack on Shevat with the newly built Merkava. The imperial family was wiped out. Afterward the Gazel Ministry and Shevat’s Elders came to an understanding, and lured Nisan’s main force onto the field to destroy them. Zephyr, who was part of their force, and survivors like Lacan and Roni, hurried back to their homes. (1) The Council was disbanded, and with the support of Roni and the three Sages, Zephyr was enthroned as queen of Shevat.
1: The sentence doesn't make a distinction as to which place they run to - it could be Nisan, or referring to Shevat as Zephyr's homeland. The second is plausible since she's enthroned directly after.
カレルレンがシェバト長老会議に対して延命措置を行った時、 ゼファーは自ら望んで指置を受けた。 大戦時、 ゼファーは地上に逗留しており、 長老会議がソラリスと密議していることを知らなかった。 しかし、 シェバト王家の1人として長老会議の謀略を止められなかったことに責任を感じ、 その罪を償うため、 カレルレンによる “制裁“ を甘んじて受けたものである。
The Longevity Treatment Administered by Krelian
When Krelian inflicted his longevity treatment on the Council of Elders, Zephyr requested he extend her own life as well. During the war, Zephyr was on the surface with Nisan’s forces, and had no knowledge of the arrangement between the Council and Solaris. However, as the only member of the royal family left, she feels responsible for being unable to put an end to their plot. Accepting Krelian’s “punishment” allows her to atone for this sin.
ソラリス戦役以前からシェバト王に客として迎えられていた3人だが、 その出自は3人とも不明。 バルタザールの出身地は、 テランエリアの何処かであると思われる。 元々3人とも超然としており、 政治には関与しなかったが、 ソラリスの動向には常に目を向けていた。 大戦時の長老会議の裏切りによりシェバトに矢望、 シェバトが地上を離れるのを契機に3人とも陰遁生活に入った。
The Role of Shevat’s Three Sages
Prior to the war with Solaris, the Sages were welcomed as guests by the king, but their origin is unclear. Balthasar’s homeland might have been somewhere in the Terrane Area. By nature the three kept themselves aloof and refrained from participating in politics, but they kept watch on Solaris. (2) The Council’s treachery during the Great War was a serious disappointment, and the Sages left Shevat when it rose from the surface to live in secrecy.
2: not sure about the last part of this sentence. They're watching something - the council or Solaris. :P Turns out I'm right... enough. :D
三賢者の1人で、 武術の達人。500年前の大戦では、 前線で兵を率いて戦った。 560歳の時に男児 (ユイの父) をもうけている。 現在は地上に陰遁しており、 ソラリスによる第3次侵攻作戦時には、 地上でゲリラ部隊を指軍。 敵の総司令官であったヒュウガと鉾を交えた。 その後、 ヒュウガとユイが結婚したことで、 ヒュウガに武術を指南する。
A warrior and one of the Three Sages. During the Great War five hundred years ago, he fought with his troops on the front line. At age 560 he had a son (Yui’ s father). Currently he lives on the surface and keeps to himself, and during the Third Invasion he led guerilla units against Solaris and clashed with Hyuga, who held supreme command of the enemy troops. (3) Afterward, Hyuga and Yui married, and Gaspar instructed him in combat.
3: it doesn't specify where he met Hyuga, but I suppose that must also have been on the surface. (This is totally screwing my plans up. :P) Need... more... explanation! >_<
三賢者の1人で、 ナノテクノロジーを復活させた科学者。 ゼボイム貴跡からキムの残した論文の一部を発見し、 独自の研究を重ねてその技術を復活。 二サン僧兵長であったカレルレンに学問を教える中で、 このナノテクノロジを伝授した。 現在は地上で陰遁生活を送りながら、 ヒトの身体に隠しされた秘密を追及している。
Taura Melchoir
One of the Three Sages, and the scholar who revived nanotechnology. He discovered a copy of Kim’s thesis in a Zeboim ruin (4) and reproduced the science from the original research paper. The Nisan Commander (5), Krelian, studied this paper under Melchoir and was thus instructed in nanotechnology. Currently Melchoir lives in hiding on the surface and attempts to uncover the secret hidden in humanity.
4: the kanji here, "貴跡," doesn't quite tell me what it's about. That is... my dictionary, at least, told me it wasn't a word - I'll have to check Jo's. XD; Pieced together, you have "precious/treasure" + "print/mark," which may just refer to the paper itself. The problem with this is, kiseki appears to be what the paper is from. I need a new dictionary. Confirmed to be 'ruin.'
5: it says he's the commander of Nisan's "priest-soldiers?" Come on. I guess our old "holy general" isn't so hot either, though. :P I can't for the life of me think of an appropriate church or knightly rank, though. My brain keeps saying, "Templar, Templar!" only one isn't sure that quite fits. (I know: PALADIN. lawlz.)
シェバト工作員。 地上での活動中、 シェバトとの接触を求めるジェサイアと出会い、 意気投合。 しばらく行動をともにするが、 ソラリスの追撃に巻き込まれ死亡。 その際、 ジェサイアに自分の答姿や指紋を使って身分を偽るように勧めた。
Joshua Black
A spy for Shevat. He was conducting surveillance on the surface when he met Jesiah, who sought contact with Shevat, and the two found kindred spirits in each other. (6) They worked together for a short time (7), but Solarian pursuers caught up with them and he died because of that encounter. At the brink of death, he urged Jesiah to adopt his appearance, fingerprints, and so on, to claim his identity.
6: I'm taking a slight liberty here, but the gist of the sentence bit is that they have similar temperments or personalities.
7: I think this actually says they were going to take action, or something like that. Jesse's profile implies Joshua was about to lead him to Shevat, so for this sentence I just combined the two for the right meaning.
That finishes Shevat. Balthasar is somewhere else, and I don't feel like picking over his profile at the moment. That would almost obligate me to do Maria and Nikolai, and I want to
stick to my list for now.
... HOWEVER, since Livejournal is down for some scheduled maintainence that I don't think was actually scheduled, I guess I'll have to do some more work. WTF, LJ. (I just know there's going to be an issue with the text I copied, and I'll have an extra long entry to painstakingly edit after this.)
Valkyrie Profile Material Collection
確かに家庭のニオイはしませんね。 魔術学院というところは、 世界中から素質のある子供が集まってきているので、 メルテイーナやレザードもそのひとりということになります。 ふたりとも突然変異的に誕生した天才ということでしょう。
Is Mystina without family?
There is certainly no sign of a family. The Sorcery Collegium gathers talented children from all over the world, and Mystina and Lezard are two such candidates. They were born with abnormally strong talents. (1)
1: it says they're an 'unexpected variant' of genius. Kind of. :P (Down in the comments, Jo gets 'mutated' - and YOU NEVER KNOW. Look at Lezard!) I think this gets the idea across.
夢の方が現実よりいいなんて、 過去になにかがあったのか?
現実の世界にはレザード-ヴァレスという天才がいて、 どうしても自分が一番になれなかった気持ちからでしょうね。 メルテイーナは言ってみればレザードの女性版という感じでエゴイストでナルシストで美形なんです (笑)。 メルテイーナがレザードに抱いている対抗心はかなりのものなんですよ。
What happened to prompt her attitude that dreams are better than reality?
It would seem to be because a genius called Lezard Valeth exists in the real world, and the attitude comes from a feeling that there’s no way she can be the best while he exists. Mystina is, one can say, like a female version of Lezard - an egoist, a narcissist, and good-looking (laugh). (2) Mystina harbors quite a grudge against Lezard. (3)
2: AHAHAHAH, I'm actually not sure it says that, but thought I'd give the funniest interpretation for now. >_>;;;;
3: How could she not with what I just said?!
For what it's worth, I did try to render these sentences as closely as possible. It's just that the sentence structure here is giving me issues, and I'll have to come back to it after more practice.
そういったら、 エインフェリアは悪党だらけですからね (笑)。 神界に送るときの目安になる “勇者値” というのは、 あくまでも神にとっていかに部合のいい人間か、 ということなんですよ。 勇者値の低い存在は使いつらいし、 まずいうこと聞かないでしょうね。
Why was Mystina chosen as an einherjar when she seems not to be a very good person?
There are a lot of malcontents among the einherjar, now that you mention it (laugh). The “Heroic value” required for sending a human to Valhalla is nothing more than a human's suitability from the perspective of the gods. (4) Humans with a low heroic value are difficult to control - they don't listen to you from the start. (5)
4: I'm just not sure of this. The entire sentence throws me.
5: "使いつらいし" gave me a hassle. I might be misinterpreting.
The entire VP section was troublesome because of its conversational style. I was going to wait on posting it, but sleeping on it probably won't yield any sudden answers. And if it does, I'll make the changes tomorrow. Believe it or not, I do sleep. :p