Burn After Watching, NC-17, NCIS

Jul 26, 2010 21:17

Title: Burn After Watching
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/character: McGee/DiNozzo
Summary: "Wouldn't get tired." McGee smirked as he watched Tony watching the chair "Wouldn't get slow. Could keep on going for hours."
Warnings/Spoilers: None
A/N: Written for kink_bingo. Prompt is Fucking Machines. Part five of five in the Carte Blanche series. Much thanks to karaokegal for a ( Read more... )

carte blanche, series, fic, ncis

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Comments 19

slashscribe July 26 2010, 20:36:16 UTC
Ah, not fuming, just concentrating. It was so hard to tell sometimes.

such an apt description of Tony, LOL.

And this was one of my faves in the story. I really enjoyed it, and wonder what it will be like for the boys to go back to work! I guess I will be left wondering, though, since this is the end of your series. But, it was really well-done, and I really enjoyed it! thanks for posting! :D


my_young_friend July 27 2010, 06:29:00 UTC
wonder what it will be like for the boys to go back to work!
Sore, most likely. Although hopefully happy with it. And I suspect Tony won't mess about with McGee's shirt again.

Thank you for your comments, both here and throughout.


wingstar102 July 26 2010, 22:51:40 UTC
Definitely need a cold shower after that one... Thank you! I can't wait until your next bit of Tony/Tim. So much fun. LOL. Will beg and grovel and kiss your feet for more!

Love and cherries,


my_young_friend July 27 2010, 06:31:01 UTC
No begging and grovelling needed, and let me at least get a pedicure before you do anything to my feet. I've finished this particular challenge, so I either need prompts or another challenge/contest to get my muse up and running. I'll keep my eye out and hopefully return soon.


wingstar102 July 27 2010, 14:41:13 UTC
YAY! Take your time, I'm willing to wait. LOL.


shannonknits July 27 2010, 05:05:29 UTC
Fuck yes, I love rough sex, so hot. You're awesome!


my_young_friend July 27 2010, 06:29:22 UTC
Thank you!


theeverdream July 27 2010, 10:03:02 UTC
Yaaaay! <3
"Sure, I've got it hidden in my closet with the cheerleader outfit and classic Ferrari."
I laughed so hard :D


my_young_friend July 27 2010, 17:45:52 UTC
^_^ Glad to hear it and thank you!


ex_hellesof July 27 2010, 15:18:05 UTC
Smokin' hot. A great ending to the series. May I rec this on my next rec list?


my_young_friend July 27 2010, 17:46:19 UTC
Of course, I'd be flattered, thank you!


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