Sometimes, after i fill up my tank with some gas, the fuel indicator doesn't register right away. Instead, as i'm driving, it slowly climbs back up. I like to pretend i'm driving some super car that makes its own gas as it drives
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I've been trying to update this thing for like two weeks, but every time I get something written, either my computer crashes because its a piece of shit or something else distracts me and when i come back to it i re-read what i wrote and think its shit so i delete it
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So i cleaned out my old truck a little today. man there was a lot of crap in the back. now i got to fix up some stuff and hopefully it'll be good to go.
December is a busy month. the holidays always make everything seem so rushed. i dunno.
So i went to Julian on Saturday, and my dumb ass forgot to get some pie when we were done at the graveyard. I went with kiwi and we had sandwiches and smoked at the cemetery. The drive was a lot of fun. i just like driving though hills and mountains with good music on
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So I have been really itching for a good road trip lately. I guess its been a while. The last time i went to Colorado was almost two years ago and i flew there. I really don't know what it is but if i don't make the drive every so often it starts bugging me. I can feel it when I'm driving anywhere. i just want to keep going sometimes and not stop
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