Discussion: Favorite Moments

Apr 13, 2008 17:01

Look! We're not dead! ellixian and I are incredibly sorry for slacking on the community as of late. We've both been swamped, but hopefully with things winding down a bit for me in the next month or so, and NEW episodes finally airing, we'll get back on track soon ( Read more... )

discussion: favorite h/c moments

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Comments 38

kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:20:13 UTC
*dies* my_vicodin *does the dance first* I love you guys and being swamped is okay, theres lot of Huddy thoughts to keep us nice little people occupied :) Or ellixian, I spent my time just spamming her.

Anyway, back on :)

There are so many awesome Huddy moments that its hard to choose; everything Huddy is good Huddy. Now if there were catagories like sexual, emotional, sensitive, lusty anger then I could narrow it down lol :D But since not then everything :D


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 21:25:24 UTC
I'll at least be done with classes in about a month -- will still have work and puppies begging for attention, but the lack of homework should help with getting back into doing my part of the picspamming!

Hm, I wonder if I should edit to offer some categorization. Actually, I originally wrote that we embrace anal-retentiveness here, so numbered lists and subsets are signs of utter coolness in these parts!


kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:27:40 UTC
Oooh what classes you got? And you don't have puppies anymore, I stole them remember :) And oooh picspam. Ive been spamming out my journal with Lisa. Got some new ones to add up in a bit :D *rubs hands together*

And catagories would help but there would be about 500000. There are so many things that you can class each scene as and each scene could fit into about 5 things depending on how each person views it. Lol. And I like being anal with my Huddy :) Not them being anal but me... so uh :D


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 21:44:30 UTC
Oh, right. Tell them I say hi, tell them I say hi! Right now I'm finishing out pre-reqs for grad school and some bonus courses (bio, chem 2, nutrition and medical terminology). It's just the chem that's kicking my butt, really.

I edited to provide some ideas. I think there's going to be an initial running-in-circles-and-flailing kind of reaction. We're so hard up for a H/C fix!


spoopy April 13 2008, 21:22:41 UTC

I love the moments where you can really see there is affection for each other. Like, even if they're firing zingers off at each other, you can still see that underlying affection. And Cuddy's exasperated fondness for House. And those rare but lovely moments where they share a kind of affectionate almost smile or look. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT?


kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:28:33 UTC
Like when he holds the door for her and she ducks under it? That is cute and slightly affectionate :) He's doing something nice for her when she's feeling crappy. I so wanna cap that scene now.....


spoopy April 13 2008, 21:48:43 UTC
Hee, yes, that was a cute scene, though in actual context it wasn't that cute. Cuddy was quite distressed and House was getting exasperated and irritated at her emotional involvement. But that little gesture was still sweet. He totally could've not gotten out of her way, or shut the door on her, or walked out before she did. But he didn't!


kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:51:37 UTC
I'd throw more moments here but Im sticking them all in another post. But it was just... gentle. And at the end when she was wrong he wasnt doing his usual thing at her he was sort of caring ish, being a little more toned down and trying to lighten the atmosphere "Good news, We got sued!"


kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:55:27 UTC
Top Five Season 1 Moments, Small Gestures, Favorite Tit-for-Tat One-Liners, Best Moments Starring Cuddy's Guilt... just some ideas to get things started, because I know without any order, it all just flows out in capslocky flail!

Im shameful less. The "Tit-for-Tat" got me cause I didnt finish reading >_<

The entire of Pilot. She showed who was boss [idcare what Mirror, Mirror guy says. She has authority and she proved it :D]
Kids with the "Good coffee" bit :)
Uhm... I sooo need to rewatch S1.
Ooh the end bit "No I will not have sex with you again..."
And Three Stories was kinda good.

S1 wasnt my favourite for Huddy but I havent watched it as much.

Small Gestures
Cuddy giving House plane tickets. &hearts
All of Airbourne - he was genuinely worried about her. And gentle in his exam... :)
Uhm... Ok I suck at catagorising. I can emotionally catagorise better lol.

Tit-for-Tat One-liners
Pass. Tit for Tat? I never really know what that means :(

Cuddy's guiltFetal Position. Doctor Cuddy to the rescue ( ... )


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 22:04:47 UTC
Pass. Tit for Tat? I never really know what that means :(

Basically, the exchange of zingers. Best ever? H: "Love the outfit. It says "I'm a professional, but I'm still a woman." Actually, it sort of yells the second part." C: "Yeah, and your big cane is real subtle too."

I just felt a strong urge to use the "tit" saying. It seemed to fit. ;)

EDIT: Oh, and I'll be back later to comment and do my own, too!


kerryaod April 13 2008, 22:08:14 UTC
Aaaaah. I shall edit that tomorrow then. Kerry is off to bed now but Ive got the link still open to add more tomorrow :D &hearts

Now I have to think of those lines it'll take ages.

Can I cap some moments? I can think of pictures easier atm >_


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 23:34:12 UTC
Consider this comment to be a RESOUNDING YES to your cap question!


ducks_in_a_row April 13 2008, 22:18:00 UTC
One of my fav moments was during the baby arc when House is trying to convince her to be careful about who she chooses for a donor. That little snippet that ends with her saying "Someone like you?" and he says "Someone you like" said so much in so few words about how they feel about themselves and each other. It's not romantic or even very happy but it got to me on a level that some of their other interactions hadn't.


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 23:42:42 UTC
Agreed. I think that scene is very key to understanding their relationship -- or rather, obstacles to it. I don't think House considers himself to be "worthy" of love/happiness/whatever (which is a large factor in my belief that it's going to have to be Cuddy who makes a move). And I think Cuddy, knowing House pre-infarction, recognizes this and hates to see it in him.

Having just watched "Forever" and "Who's Your Daddy" semi-recently when they were re-aired, I gotta mention a scene in "Forever" -- when House figures it all out and confronts Cuddy about her dinner with Wilson. He asks her, "So, when's our dinner?" and sure it's suggestive and all that, but there's this beat when Cuddy's about to react and Wilson interrupts. I just found House bringing up the issue (and his demeanor when he does) pretty interesting.


ducks_in_a_row April 14 2008, 02:38:44 UTC
I think that's true. I wasn't crazy about the baby storyline when it started but I think it gave us some interesting insights, especially into House. IMO when House asks about their 'date' he's serious. Under the banter, he wants to hear that Cuddy thinks he's worthy of consideration. He really wants to hear that she believes in him even if he'd never admit it. Yet when she turns it around and asks "someone like you?" he immediately backs off because he doesn't see himself as worthy or deserving. It's sad, and shows that for all his bravado, House has some really low self-esteem in some areas.


jukebox_grad April 14 2008, 15:15:12 UTC
I think the biggest problem with the baby arc is that it came out of the blue (and also, their ADD issues that lead to it being woefully unaddressed for a while, particularly among birth control one-liners-- huh??). Definitely agree that House was actually opening up when he asked about his dinner; he definitely looks a little disappointed when Wilson comes in and the question goes unanswered. Then you have the beautiful scene at the end of the episode, when Cuddy goes up to House's office, about to ask him. His slight nod as if to reassure her to go on (Hugh, why you so awesome?).

I like the baby arc for it's insights, but I don't expect to see Cuddy have a kid, and I really don't expect the father to be House, if it ever does happen. Which actually made the birth control joke in "Mirror Mirror" all the more fanwankable, in terms of a possible secret relationship! ;)


nutface01 April 13 2008, 22:25:46 UTC
There's soo many wonderful moments, it's really impossible to choose!!
I think some of my favorites were when House was convinced Cuddy was pregnant, all of those snarky comments and Cuddy's reactions, those were priceless.
And also how Cuddy got rid of Vogler for him. I think that was really sweet, especially considering how much PPTH needed his money.


ex_bluebonn April 13 2008, 23:25:35 UTC
"Cups are in the other basket, baby's in your mind!"


jukebox_grad April 15 2008, 23:59:25 UTC
ellixian, with her brilliant mind, pointed out to me that Cuddy might've actually been pregnant then. We find out she was pregnant but lost it in "Finding Judas" -- so House's smart ass observations might've actually been accurate. This is only one reason why ellixian is awesome! ;)


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