Discussion: Favorite Moments

Apr 13, 2008 17:01

Look! We're not dead! ellixian and I are incredibly sorry for slacking on the community as of late. We've both been swamped, but hopefully with things winding down a bit for me in the next month or so, and NEW episodes finally airing, we'll get back on track soon ( Read more... )

discussion: favorite h/c moments

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kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:20:13 UTC
*dies* my_vicodin *does the dance first* I love you guys and being swamped is okay, theres lot of Huddy thoughts to keep us nice little people occupied :) Or ellixian, I spent my time just spamming her.

Anyway, back on :)

There are so many awesome Huddy moments that its hard to choose; everything Huddy is good Huddy. Now if there were catagories like sexual, emotional, sensitive, lusty anger then I could narrow it down lol :D But since not then everything :D


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 21:25:24 UTC
I'll at least be done with classes in about a month -- will still have work and puppies begging for attention, but the lack of homework should help with getting back into doing my part of the picspamming!

Hm, I wonder if I should edit to offer some categorization. Actually, I originally wrote that we embrace anal-retentiveness here, so numbered lists and subsets are signs of utter coolness in these parts!


kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:27:40 UTC
Oooh what classes you got? And you don't have puppies anymore, I stole them remember :) And oooh picspam. Ive been spamming out my journal with Lisa. Got some new ones to add up in a bit :D *rubs hands together*

And catagories would help but there would be about 500000. There are so many things that you can class each scene as and each scene could fit into about 5 things depending on how each person views it. Lol. And I like being anal with my Huddy :) Not them being anal but me... so uh :D


jukebox_grad April 13 2008, 21:44:30 UTC
Oh, right. Tell them I say hi, tell them I say hi! Right now I'm finishing out pre-reqs for grad school and some bonus courses (bio, chem 2, nutrition and medical terminology). It's just the chem that's kicking my butt, really.

I edited to provide some ideas. I think there's going to be an initial running-in-circles-and-flailing kind of reaction. We're so hard up for a H/C fix!


kerryaod April 13 2008, 21:47:16 UTC
Hey baby puppies, jukie says hi :)
They woof. :)

And ooh sounds fun. Sort of. And yay bio, chem & med :D And chem is kicking my butt too! It it everyone or just chem?

And oooh I'll go look :)

I know this is kinda OT but its Huddy and Im off to bed and wanted to give you all sweet bedtime dreams. blowersgate wanted me to tell her a little Huddy bedtime story which could be a possible way for them to kiss. And I did. I wrote it like there and then. And its cute. So enjoy. (Little Greg & Lisa)


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