Original: And it Begins... (Joe/Delilah) PG

Sep 03, 2014 23:45

Title: And it Begins...
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Joe and Delilah
Rating: PG
Summary: The morning brings a new pairing...
Warning: *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #01 at writerverse. Prompt: "This is the last night you'll spend alone/Look me in the eyes so I know you'll know/I'm everywhere you want me to be" ("The Last Night" by Skillet) and "One day ( Read more... )

-writerverse, barbary

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Comments 2

bizarra September 4 2014, 03:58:46 UTC
Yes. Yes he is. *nods*


erinm_4600 September 4 2014, 12:08:58 UTC
Thank goodness.


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