Original: And it Begins... (Joe/Delilah) PG

Sep 03, 2014 23:45

Title: And it Begins...
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Joe and Delilah
Rating: PG
Summary: The morning brings a new pairing...
Warning: *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #01 at writerverse. Prompt: "This is the last night you'll spend alone/Look me in the eyes so I know you'll know/I'm everywhere you want me to be" ("The Last Night" by Skillet) and "One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." (Jack Kerouac)
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!! Inspiration comes from tvrealm, Team Chiller and the Team TV Show challenge, with thanks.

Delilah stood at the window, looking out over the street below. The sun had risen, but San Francisco wasn't quite awake yet. Not in this part of town, anyway. The sound of a snore caused her to glance toward the bed, where Joe was still asleep.

How had it come to this, she wondered? Joseph Bennett had been in and out of her place for the last two years, though he hadn't been with any of the girls in months. She'd actually asked him, one night - while he nursed a very expensive bottle of whiskey and she patched up the gash in his forehead - if he'd decided to give up on women.

Joe laughed at her, replied that he was just waiting for her to notice him, and then promptly passed out from the pain.

Delilah doubted that he even remembered the admission, as he had never said anything again. Still, nearly every night, Joe walked in to her place and sat in the corner. He would always tell her he was simply there to keep an eye on the rabble, while she started to keep an eye on him.

Long after the last of the crowds had been kicked out, and the girls sent upstairs to their rooms, Joe and Del would sit and drink. She told him nothing about herself, while he would tell her about his day and whatever crimes he was trying to solve.

Last night, she had been upset and he had tried to talk her down. And, in a fit of rage, she had taken a swing at him. Without much effort, Joe caught her arm and, a minute later, she was in his arms, kissing him with a passion even she didn't know lived within her.

Noticing that he was waking up, Delilah turned back to the window, not wanting him to see that she was watching him. She could hear him moving on the bed, and a moment later felt his arm around her waist. Closing her eyes, Del sucked in a breath and fought a smile as Joe pulled her back against him and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

Everything within her was screaming to push him back, to treat him as any other paying customer who had overstayed his welcome... but she didn't want him to go. Turning in his hold, Delilah reached up to hold Joe's neck and stared at him.

"You're going to be bad for business, aren't you?" she asked.

Joe simply smirked.

-writerverse, barbary

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