Pon Farr in the Park

Jul 26, 2009 10:03

Yesterday, Mr. Daroga, tkp and myself drove down to Portland to see Trek in the Park, a free, live-action rendition of the episode "Amok Time." Yes, with the "Vulcan biology" and the sexy fighting.

The play was a lot of fun, and there were tons of people. We were late, and only secured a seat through the generosity of a man whose friend didn't arrive ( Read more... )

photos: portland, trips: portland, theater, television: star trek: tos

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Comments 24

cdaae July 26 2009, 17:54:49 UTC
I remember visiting that waterfall! I loved the Portland area so much.

If you had to pick the top three episodes of the original Star Trek, or maybe the top five, which would they be? Or, which would you recommend to a n00b? I haven't watched them in at least 20 years, and I want to show some to Tom.

Maybe I should just rent the whole series.


starcrossedgirl July 26 2009, 18:00:46 UTC
I'm, uh, obviously not my_daroga, but I just thought I'd pipe up and rec the hell out of "Balance of Terror" from 1st season, since it delivers on pretty much all fronts. And, of course, "City on the Edge of Forever". My other absolute favourite is "Amok Time", but that'd be because of the slashglasses, most likely.

/unsolited advice


my_daroga July 26 2009, 20:40:39 UTC
Portland's awesome. We had to scoot back because of the dogs--even so, they were alone all day. :(

Hmm. starcrossedgirl has some good ones, there. I also like "The Naked Time," "What Are Little Girls Made Of?", and "Space Seed". Some other favorites are probably better later (I include "Amok Time" in that category, though it's not going to be ruined or unenjoyable if you don't already know the guys). And stay away from S3 ( ... )


starcrossedgirl July 26 2009, 17:58:09 UTC
Dude, you look nothing like I'd imagined you! Not that I did much, uh, active imagining or anything, but I literally did a double take and went "surely that can't actually be her"? which I totally didn't get when obstinatrix posted pictures of her new haircut recently ( ... )


my_daroga July 26 2009, 20:48:03 UTC
Haha, I'm sorry! What did you think I'd look like? I'm just curious.

I'm the short girl one, in case there is confusion. And Mr. Daroga is awesome. He wanted to climb the rock and I said, "wait, would you do something for me? Here. Crouch here. Now, put your hands on this rock..."

I think the Trek in the park might have been better if they'd gone even more campy--I mean they were, but maybe with more ACTING it would have been even funnier.

I think you have a point about the line. I think it does come off as "NO!" like a little kid, you know? Because he says it first, and then she repeats it, and he's all, "un-uh."

I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been trying not to RP quite so much and get other stuff done and write some but nothing's been finished lately. Oh, except this thing for obstinatrix about Shatner's package.

The audition is tomorrow night, thanks for asking. I'm trying to get my headshots done today (by Mr. not professionally) and pick out my clothes and work on my monologue.

Uh. I'm so behind on my shatnoy_rpf!!


starcrossedgirl July 26 2009, 22:05:21 UTC
As I said, I didn't have any particular visual or anything. It's more that you come across as incredibly mature and then in those pictures in particular (less so in your icon), you look so incredibly young that it just threw me. I know that's probably rooted in some kind of stereotype somehow, but I think our brains are just bound to make those kind of (if wrong) associations. I mean, if I'd just seen those pictures of you without any other knowledge of you, I would never have believed you're the same age as my older brother, not, say, five years younger than me. (Okay, I probably would have believed it, it just would have taken some convincing, and lots of me going "Really? Wow ( ... )


my_daroga July 26 2009, 22:10:03 UTC
Oh, no worries. I'm just curious, not really knowing how I come off online and all that. Though tkp says I talk all mature and stuff, too. But yeah, I look like that. And dress like that, most of the time. I don't mind looking young.

As Mr. Daroga pointed out, overacting requires acting. Kirk had very few expressions. I didn't want a Shatner impersonation, but something equally dynamic would have been nice. And funny.

Thank you!


deathmask_revel July 26 2009, 18:54:56 UTC
XD I love the picture of S and the "Horta".

I went to Powells when we were there (and found like 10 of the original Tarzan books!) but we didn't see anything else when we were there. I wish I could have seen the falls, and a Trek in the Park, that would have been fun.

I miss you guys!


my_daroga July 26 2009, 20:50:18 UTC
Hee, he's so game.

Powell's is awesome, but I didn't buy anything yesterday. I did skin a bit of Shatnerquake which is awfully written but does posit a feud between Shatner and fans of Bill Campbell, which is amusing.

Portland is cool. But we had to leave the dogs at home so they were lonely.

Yeah, I hope you're doing okay without us! I'm sure you'd be appalled at J and I lately, though. We're so lame.

Oh do you still have our key? Just wondering.


deathmask_revel July 27 2009, 02:39:44 UTC
Oh, you guys were always lame, but I love you anyway.

And yes, I do! I found it in my bags just yesterday, in fact. I'll send it back someday when I have a little money.

Andy and I cruised a junkshop the other day and they had some books, including a Choose Your Own Adventure type Star Trek book about Spock. I wanted to get it for you! But, I don't have any money. XD

They had Shatnerquake at Powell's? That's hilarious. XD


my_daroga July 27 2009, 14:50:02 UTC
:P Like you are SO cool. ;)

Cool, thanks. Just wanted to know if I needed to make another spare.

That's so awesome! I found a TMP-era board game the other day, but it was $25, so no. But still I wanted it. I still haven't found a single button to put on my bag that is Trek related.

They did! I saw the "publisher" had a Portland address so I bet they snuck it in somehow. It's so bad. My rpf is better.


vampire_cookies July 27 2009, 04:15:17 UTC
I am in no way, shape, or form a Star Trek nerd, yet here I sit, envying the whole, filthy lot of you. Star Trek in the park? GLORIOUS.

And I strongly, strongly encourage you to do your own. Please. =D

FYI: Your Mr. Darcy is quite the biscuit.


my_daroga July 27 2009, 14:47:34 UTC
I wonder if they'll accept girl!Kirk? Hell, it's Seattle!

Haha, thanks. I think you mean Mr. Daroga, as Mr. Darcy is my dog, but they are both delightful.


vampire_cookies July 27 2009, 19:31:41 UTC
I think you mean Mr. Daroga, as Mr. Darcy is my dog, but they are both delightful.

That... or I could just be hot for your dog. =/

Girl!Kirk would rock.


my_daroga July 27 2009, 19:33:24 UTC
He's a sexy beast. I'm not passing judgment.

She'd be awesome. I'd be less so, but I could try!


lilithsshadow July 27 2009, 11:55:02 UTC
So much awesomeness in one post, I'm overwhelmed. ;)

Though I understand why it would lose something in the translation, the Trek in the Park thing looks pretty neat overall.

And yea new photos! They really turned out lovely. My very favorites are action!swing and rock melding. <3


my_daroga July 27 2009, 14:48:12 UTC
It was neat. I mean the concept, the fact of it, is most of the attraction for me. But it was lots of fun. And must have been fun to do.

Glad you like them! I have tons of photos to catch up on.


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