Fanfiction: Sugar and Spice (Star Trek reboot)

Jun 05, 2009 13:45

Title: Sugar and Spice
Fandom: Star Trek reboot
Pairing: girl!Kirk/Kirk
Rating: R
Summary: There are alternate universes, and alternate universes. What’s one more or less X chromosome, for a J.T. Kirk?
Warnings: Selfcest. Yes, again!
Word count: approximately 2,000
Author’s Note: My second Star Trek fic. Um… are we sensing a pattern here? Written ( Read more... )

fanfiction: kirk/kirk, fanfiction: star trek:reboot

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Comments 34

iblamebroadway June 5 2009, 21:15:32 UTC
Goddamn, Kirk. He is fucking sexy in any incarnation. You're such an enabler. <3

This was hilarious and hot at the same time. Go Kris!

For my birthday I want to be in the middle of a Kirk sandwich please.


my_daroga June 5 2009, 21:30:04 UTC
Aww, sweet! I'm glad you like it.

I'm enabling myself as much as anyone, I'm afraid.

... )


iblamebroadway June 5 2009, 21:38:20 UTC
Well, you've got every right to, in my opinion. He's pretty enough that it's allowed.

Um also that gif made me giggle way too hard.


my_daroga June 5 2009, 21:42:14 UTC
I seriously spent like an hour this morning hunting down gifs.


Happy birthday!


lilithsshadow June 5 2009, 22:49:05 UTC
Oh my. Don't get me wrong, Kirk isn't lacking in sex appeal. But girl!Kirk certainly adds a dimension of complication. I mean, an Orion slave girl is perfectly acceptable for any geek's fantasy, but one making out with a hot chick!Kirk? They'd explode or something.

“Nice. Boobs.” All I could think was that this look (you know the one) should totally require a drink in any TOS drinking game.

Nicely done.


my_daroga June 8 2009, 14:29:00 UTC
I need to figure out who is my girl!Kirk. I mean who should play her. Hmm.

Glad you like it!

Do you mean this one:

... )


lilithsshadow June 8 2009, 14:46:06 UTC
Yep, that would be the one.

And you absolutely should figure out a model for her. Then there could be crazy photomanips ahoy!


my_daroga June 8 2009, 14:47:29 UTC
I was also thinking that the vector style might just work for ST art.


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my_daroga June 8 2009, 14:29:38 UTC
Haha, best review ever!

I'm so transparent, aren't I? What's so odd is how he has me writing again. Of all people.


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my_daroga June 8 2009, 15:21:25 UTC
I had a bet with myself you'd say "animus." ;) But yeah--I thought about you and Gerik when I wrote the above comment. Whatever gets you there, right?

I feel very very silly being all afire for TOS again, considering how mundane an obsession it really is! (I'm hardly the first to make this amazing discovery, after all.) But it's fun, just the same.

We watched "This Side of Paradise" the other day. Oh man. What's awesome about TOS is that nearly every episode offers infinite possibilities for fic/speculation/relationship exploration, and also that they manage to be much like crack yet with some pretty thoughtful treatments of human issues. I mean it's not hard-hitting or anything, and I don't agree with all of it, but it's impressive just the same.


ethrosdemon June 6 2009, 02:01:29 UTC
This was both hilarious and entertaining.


my_daroga June 8 2009, 14:29:51 UTC
Thanks muchly! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


finncullen June 6 2009, 05:51:02 UTC
Marvellous! And entirely and utterly Kirk... finally finding the partner s/he deserved all those years.


my_daroga June 8 2009, 14:30:56 UTC
Of course I ship Kirk/Spock, officially.

But even Spock would conclude that jealousy in the face of Kirk meeting his own doppelganger would be illogical.

Thanks for reading, even if it is very silly and entirely self-indulgent.


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