a little steamy, bodyguard redux

Oct 26, 2012 17:43

so, new chapter this week.  and yay, it's actually posted friday.  hopefully next week's is on time.  still actually writing it.  :(  i've been having issues with it.  if you noticed, i'm more of a romance and angst author, not really action, and the next chapter sorta deals with it.  anyway, on with it.

Title: Bodyguard Redux
Chapter: 2.4 The Confrontation
Pairings: Heero/Duo (centric), Relena/Heero (one-sided), and others
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I also don't own the movie "The Bodyguard" or any of its songs.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly)
Warning: AU, shounen-ai, kissing, mild violence, a little swearing
Word count: 1445
Summary: Heero finally catches up to Duo.

Heero paused as he reached the top of the stairs, hearing the sound of a shower running. Distantly he remembered Duo mentioning that he -- and that bastard Trowa -- needed one, but he hadn’t thought about it until just now.

But the sound of the water running was causing Heero to severely regret his decision to keep his business and personal life separate. It had seemed a sound idea at the time, but every time he got within five feet of Duo Maxwell, his judgment seemed to disappear completely. Like right now, he had a sudden urge to walk into the bathroom and pull back the curtain to figure out just how that slender body looked while covered in nothing but crystal clear droplets of water.

The sudden silence brought Heero back to himself, reminding him that he shouldn’t be standing outside the bathroom having indecent thoughts of its occupant when said occupant could walk out at any moment. He turned slightly to leave when the door suddenly opened. And then Heero couldn’t move at all.

The main object of his thoughts was standing before him with only a black towel wrapped around his waist, the steam from the bathroom billowing around him and making it seem as if he was walking straight out of a cheesy fantasy dream sequence. His long chestnut hair cascaded down his back, dripping and curling slightly at the ends with the moisture. His legs, which Heero had noticed earlier outside, were well-shaped and long. His chest was bare, his slender build belying the firm muscle of a very toned body. Heero’s eyes involuntarily traced the firm pecs down to the six-pack before the towel interrupted and he wrenched his gaze back up to Duo’s.

Duo was glaring at him. “What do you want, Yuy?” His hands went to his hips, one hand tugging up at the towel.

Heero flinched at the harsh tone, but met Duo’s eyes directly. “I came to apologize.”

Violet eyes narrowed further. “What for?”

Heero glanced down and winced as he saw the wrist he had grabbed was already showing signs of slight bruising. “For hurting you. I didn’t mean to get so angry.”

Duo lifted his wrist to look as well, seeming to be surprised at the injury. “Oh. Well, I’m not made of glass.” He paused, frowning slightly at Heero, expression less angry now and more confused. “Why were you so mad anyway?”

Not wanting to answer that, Heero asked a question of his own. “What were you doing with Trowa?”

Duo huffed, exasperated. “Not sex, okay? Geez. We’ve known each other for a long time, and we tried it a while back, but we were better as friends. He was just teaching me to defend myself.”

Heero tried to ignore the overwhelming feeling of jealousy knowing that Trowa had had a previous relationship with Duo, but finally squashed it when the last part sunk into his brain. “Why?” he blurted out.

“I figured I should learn to protect myself better.” He shrugged slightly, and averted his eyes. “I mean, Zechs did hire you to guard me.”

Heero frowned. Zechs hadn’t mentioned that he was going to tell Duo the details of the situation. “What did Zechs tell you?” The frown deepened when Duo flinched slightly. So it wasn’t Zechs. “Who told you I was here to guard you?”

“Look, Zechs took off and he isn’t answering his phone. It’s not like he hasn’t done this before. He’s probably busy tracking something down. Fei would call me if something happened.” Duo shrugged, but Heero could see the worry on his expressive face.

“Who told you I was here to guard you?” Heero repeated slowly, his voice hardening as he the suspicion took root in his mind. If Zechs and Chang hadn’t, then the only person left that knew what Heero was about was...

“Your girlfriend, okay?” he snapped, turning away and striding down the hallway.

“My what?” Heero was so shocked and confused, Duo was already halfway down the hall before he caught up with him. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“I hate liars, Yuy.”

Heero, mindful of the bruises he’d inflicted earlier, moved so he was standing in front of Duo, effectively blocking his path without touching him. “I’m not lying to you, Duo.”

Violet eyes studied cobalt, trying to see the truth. “Fine then, not your girlfriend. Yet. Relena said you had dinner with her. And I saw you kiss her.”

The Japanese man growled in frustration, and blurted out without really thinking, “I did not have dinner with her, nor did I initiate or want that kiss. She’s a persistent and annoying twit.” Then he blinked as he realized what he said, and added quickly, “Sorry, I know she’s your sister...”

Heero broke off as he watched in fascination as the man in front of him broke into a full body laugh. Without realizing it, his gaze travelled down to stomach muscles tightened up with the action and felt an urge to touch the pale skin before he quashed the notion, bringing his gaze back up to the other’s face as the laughter had ceased.

Duo’s eyes had darkened, violet turning almost to indigo. “Heero, you have to stop doing that.”

Heero felt an involuntary shiver at Duo saying his name, marveling at how different his reaction was to Relena. He stared, mesmerized by the beauty of those eyes. “Stop doing what?”

“Looking like you want to eat me. Not unless you plan to do something about it.”

He groaned, moving forward unconsciously to touch his lips to Duo’s. Then suddenly he had his arms full of a beautiful damp half-naked man, the kiss turning to something deeper in an instant. Before he knew what was happening, he had Duo pinned up against the wall, one hand buried deep in the soft chestnut brown hair and holding his head just there, while the other travelled along the damp body, fingers tracing the lines of hard muscle underneath the soft skin. Duo’s arms had twined around Heero’s neck as they had last time, pulling him closer. As Heero’s finger grazed one of the caramel nipples, Duo let out a small whimper, the noise travelling straight to his groin.

Cobalt eyes snapped open and he put his hand flat against the wall to push away from the tempting siren. “I can’t do this!” He stepped back further, his chest heaving. “I-I have a job to do. I can’t... I’m sorry.”

Duo was breathing hard as well, his face was flushed and his lips swollen. He had slumped a little against the wall without Heero’s support. But his eyes quickly lost the dreamy softness before they were filled with hurt.

“Is that all I am to you?” he asked.

The pain threading through his voice nearly undid him. He wanted nothing more than to push the man back up against the wall to pick up where they’d left off, but that wasn’t an option. “I need to protect you. This --” he paused, thinking of the right word. “-- fling will just distract me.”

It was the wrong answer. Heero knew it the moment it left his lips. Duo was quick, Heero had to give him that. He hadn’t even seen the fist coming at his face, let alone had time to dodge it. As Heero staggered from the blow -- the muscles he’d seen in those toned arms weren’t just for show -- Duo had walked off again, strides faster now as he made his way back to his bedroom. The door slam echoed through the empty hallway.

Heero ran after him, pounding on the closed door.

“Go away, Yuy,” came an angry voice.

“Duo, I’m sorry.” He didn’t even know what he was apologizing for, but he wanted to do something, anything, to erase the tears that he’d seen in those perfect violet eyes. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, imagining it again.

The door opened slowly and Duo appraised him. Mercifully, his eyes were mostly dry, but the red in them still tore at Heero’s heart. “Why are you here, Heero?” Duo’s question in the small broken whisper was an echo of Trowa’s earlier.

Was doing asking what he was doing outside his bedroom or in general? The standard responses, that he was there to protect him from the death threats, that Zechs said he was needed, that this was his job, died on his lips. He knew they would ring hollow if he said them while looking into those sad violet eyes.

When Heero could do nothing but stare at him, Duo shut the door firmly in his face.

back to Part One: "I Have Nothing".
back to Part Two: "Queen of the Night". back to previous chapter.  on to next chapter.

bodyguard redux, gundam wing, fanfiction, 1x2x1

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