almost done, bodyguard redux

Oct 05, 2012 14:18

another songfic. oh if you were wondering, the songs i'm picking for this fic are the ones that are in the soundtrack for the movie. i didn't use all of them (this fic isn't that long), but a few that seemed to fit. also, whitney houston uses a lot of "ooh"s and "aah"s in her songs, which i omitted for the sake of my own sanity while writing.

oh, and another warning, since it kinda confused/frustrated my readers, this is a relena POV chapter, and rather short comparatively.

Title: Bodyguard Redux
Chapter: Part Two: "Queen of the Night"
Pairings: Heero/Duo (centric), Relena/Heero (one-sided), and others
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I also don't own the movie "The Bodyguard" or any of its songs.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly)
Warning: AU, shounen-ai, kissing, mild violence, a little swearing
Word count: 1127 (including song)
Summary: Relena thinks Heero should be hers.

Relena Peacecraft hugged herself with glee. Just when she was about to give up and date that boring but mostly presentable Kai, her big brother brings home the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Milliardo was always so dependable like that.

/I've got the stuff that you want
I've got the thing that you need
I've got more than enough
to make you drop to your knees
'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night /
She found from out from her brother that his name was Heero. Heero Yuy.

It was a wonderful name and it fit him perfectly. His chocolate brown hair was a tad bit too messy, but that could be fixed. His cobalt blue eyes were just so dreamy and intense. He was so strong and silent, but that was perfectly alright because he could just listen to Relena instead.

Besides, every princess needs a hero. So what if she wasn’t a real princess, she was as good as one. After all, she was rich, pretty, and popular. What man wouldn’t want to fall at her feet? Every man had so far.

She looked at her reflection in her vanity mirror. The honey blonde hair spilled over her shoulders was straight and glowed in the lamplight. Her face was smooth and unblemished, blue eyes framed by thick lashes, lips a pretty pouty pink. Perfect, she thought.

And he was perfect too, so he belonged with her. Naturally.

/Don't make no difference if I'm wrong or I'm right
I've got the feeling & I'm willing tonight
Well I ain't nobody's angel
What can I say?
Well I'm just that way /
Honestly, that door thing he was fussing about was just silly. Guests needed to be allowed to come in, not have to knock on the door and wait like door-to-door salesmen. Besides getting up every time a silly person came to the door hardly seemed like a worthwhile effort.

But if it really made Heero happy, she supposed she could just hire someone to open the door. A doorman, like one of those fancy hotels. She might even have her guests write cards so that he could announce them when they came in.

Relena laughed delightedly. Heero would be ever so pleased at her idea. Maybe she would even let him kiss her hand.

/I've got the stuff that you want
I've got the thing that you need
I've got more than enough
to make you drop to your knees
'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Just say it, say it, say it
'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night /
And wasn’t it simply absolutely perfect that Heero was staying at the mansion? Her Heero had only just come into her life and already he was under the same roof. It was fate!

Alright so he was there to guard her stupid adopted brother. Milliardo had told her that in his very stern big-brother voice, also adding that Duo wasn’t to know anything about it. He didn’t really say much more, but it was probably about his silly paintings. Some old man or another thought they were “deep” and “inspiring,” but Relena quite honestly didn’t see what the big deal was.

But who really cares about Duo? She wouldn’t mention it to him because she simply had no interest in speaking to him. He’s just an orphan brat Mummy and Daddy dragged off the streets. Why did they need him anyway? Milliardo was a perfectly fine son and she was absolutely perfect as the baby darling of the family. He was good looking, she supposed, but nothing special. Why make a fuss about silly stupid Duo?

It was Relena he should care about.

/You've got a problem with the way that I am
They say I'm trouble and I don't give a damn
But when I'm bad, I know I'm better
I just wanna get loose
And turn it up for you, baby /
But she supposed she respected his dedication to his job. Perhaps that’s why he tried so hard not to pay attention to her when she was showing him her bikini.

And Milliardo didn’t have to interfere all the time either. He was forever dragging her off to deal with telephone calls and parties. He had never paid much attention to her social calendar before, so she resented him a little for poking his nose in now. Heero had to work, Milliardo had scolded her gently.

Fine, Heero had to work. After this job was over though, there was no way her Heero would pay any more attention to street brats or any other person for that matter. He would be all hers.

/I've got the stuff that you want
I've got the thing that you need
I've got more than enough
to make you drop to your knees
'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Just say it, say it again
'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night /
They would get married at the family church. He would make such a handsome groom. A white tux for him perhaps. Pink roses of course, and everything else trimmed in pink.

Heero Peacecraft. Of course he would be a Peacecraft. Relena Yuy didn’t sound quite right anyway, so he would adopt the regal Peacecraft name. He would wear it proudly. Unlike Milliardo.

Relena pouted slightly. What was wrong with that brother of hers that he preferred a silly name like Zechs Merquise to Milliardo Peacecraft? At least the servants were properly calling him Milliardo again. It sounded so wretched when they called him Zechs.

/I've got the stuff that you want
I've got the thing that you need
I've got more than enough
to make you drop to your knees
'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night /
She sighed happily as she ran a brush through her golden tresses. Heero was perfect.

When they got married, he would take her to balls and parties, and she would show him off. Her friends would all be so jealous. Of course they would be. Then he would take her into his arms and waltz with her across the dance floor, just so everyone would see how much he loved her. He would be her own Prince Charming come to life.

Relena squealed a little as she imagined it. She couldn’t wait.

/'Cause I'm the queen of the night
The queen of the night /
Yes, after he was finally done with that silly job of his, he could finally fulfill his part and be hers. It was destiny of course.

back to Part One: "I Have Nothing". back to the previous chapter. on to the next chapter.

bodyguard redux, gundam wing, fanfiction, 1x2x1

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